Player : Vicky
Description :
the inquisitor
Feats :
(See +1 Feat for the level up rules)
- Inquisitor
- ⭐ Faith (exhausted) (used at scenario 1)
- Reputation
- Detect Lies
- Deus Vult !
- 💀 Bone Coin
- +1 Feat
Inventory :
- Dagger
- Backpack
- dagger - sword - shield - poison antidote - Bible - writing materials - camping materials - fire making materials - PIGEONS BITCH - knife - extremely long rope - writing materials - rosary - safe - lock - money - cloak - fire making materials - cross - metal armor to wear under clothing - owls - Healing first aid - horse - disguise outfit - time keeping device (portable watch) - hammer, screw, nail, fixing equipment to fix a broken wheel or nail a board or fix something - poison mask - candle poison antidote - antidote