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Danse Macabre Part 2

1,372 bytes added, 11:56, 10 June 2018
Part 4 The Catacombs
*30min-Stream of smoke fills the room. Impossible to know where it comes from. Players coughs. The smoke stays a very long time.
*45min-Small earth quake surprises them. Their torches and candles fall and are extinguished. They feel people passing near them with no sound. But when they turn on the light. Nothing.
*60min-Two mad mans with skeleton costumes jumps at them bare handed. one of them vomits streams of blood and dies trying to attack them. The player on whom he vomited blood will have delirious visions until the end of the scenario.The other runs away at incredible speed, he's bleeding. The players can follow his bloody footsteps until the room with the "accountant"
Screenwriting framePenalty for reaching the end of the ambiance track : One player is delirious.
Their goal is to find the eugene clavicle stock.==Scenario track==
, then a subsoil entrance. With many possible pathsTheir goal is to find the Eugène Clavicule and kill him.
Action: Look at They found a basement below the black marks on the ceiling church. But. This basement is connected to find the right gallerycity's catacombs.
Much like Paris' catacombes, it's a huge maze of galleries, kilometers of chaotic tunnels. Without a way to guide them, it's impossible to know where to go. At one point each step, they pass by need to find a place filled with crystal clear watertrick to know where to go next. They see stairs underwaterhave few trump cards if the players have the following talents : Hunter : The player can follow tracks, so he can chose once to just use his ability to find the next room. Only once. They  Eye of the detail : If the player specifically asks for tracks on the walls of markings made by crates. He cango to the next room.  ===Room 1 : The church't explore too deeps basement=== The ground is both wet and dusty, so there's no visible footprintsAction: Look at the black marks on the ceiling made by torches flames to find the right gallery and go to the next room. ===Room 2 : The theater===
After a while, a black mushroom covers the ceilings. So the traces are no longer visible.
They arrive in a very high room with a lot of candles . They are off. And weird sculptures that make no senseon the walls.
The room is filled with a stock of drugs. This is obviously part of the stock of Eugene but not everything.
There's also alcohol and costumes.
There is a small platform in the middle of the room. (she used to do a show)
These The candles are poisoned poisonous candles, like in the monastery or the first scenario.
This room is used for two purposes : Stock drugs. And make dark orgies.In the dark orgies, newcomers are drugged, and a dark theatre play is done on stage. There are far too many possible outingsexits. Impossible to find tracks on the ground or the ceiling. Action: If they light the candles, the weird sculptures make a very clear picture:An army of small skeletons that forms a big skull. The mouth is one of the possible exits. ===Ambiance room===While walking the gallery before the next room they pass by a pound filled with crystal clear water.They see stairs underwater. They can't explore too deep.
Action===Room 3 : If they light the candles, the sculptures make a very clear picture:A skull. The mouth is one of the possible exits.Otherwise traces of crates on the walls.laboratory===
They arrive in an underground alchemy laboratory.

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