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Danse Macabre Part 1

13 bytes removed, 18:28, 28 May 2018
Day 4
=Day 4=
*'''Normal and Creepy : Quake'''
The players spend the night in the library with all the other monks, all candles are light in the room.
==Ambience track==
 *10min-They find bloody books all over the hallways. With a piece of flesh in it. Then they find the same guy that was planting books. But now he's "feeding" them. *20min-Father Roland (mad scribe) (crazy) wants to burn the monastery.
He tries to convince the players to help him. Madness 1 players start to Hear voices.
  *30min-Father Raymond (crazy gardener) (crazy) is in the corridor exploded under a piece of furniture that fell. He was running away from something. Madness 2: Hear voices, tremble. *40min - Fruits! A bunch of monks took all the food, all the spices, all the salt, all the chemicals of the pharamceuticals and piled them in a big basin of water and it is put to the food to die of it. Two of them are dead. The food is inedible. More food than for 48h by rationing , the monks continue to eat. *50min-There are monks crying in a corner. He discovers his face, he has no lips, no cheeks and no tongue and bleeds abundantly. When asked who did this he wrote: "Arnaud devil"  *60min-Players discover that they all have blood on their hands. They do not know where. Madness 3: Hear voices. Tremble. People talk to them in permissance. -1 has all your rolls.
==Scenario track==

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