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Danse Macabre Part 2

1,243 bytes added, 10:59, 23 October 2020
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If they discover the origin, they have reinforcements.
Their contact, Dr. Canon Pierre Therici have found Eugène Clavicule's grave, he got his coffing removed and they are in the obituary department ready to open it. It's full of earth with just one silver coin. It's a "dennier provinois" a currency that is a hundred years old. No corpse inside. That's very suspicious. When they open the coffin ''Music : Alone in the Dark Mysteries''
He was found dead on public roads and nothing could identify him. Very likely just vagabond.
If they ask : indeed he pays for a lot of anonymous to be buried. If they open those graves, all corpses are missing.
All those coffins were traded during transport with coffins full of earth.(Some of them with coins, some without)
Theobald Shuplice come every week. He will be back soon.
The players try to search for the catacombs, but it's a complete labyrinth, no chance.
They find punching equipments inside the tunnel as well as lots of ingots of silver, copper, lead and iron, and other metals. Too many of them.
They Action: check the books, indeed the hospitallers buy all those metals. Supposedly to make a stronger alloy to circle their cart's wheels.
The head of procurement is Jean de la Maison de Dieu and ideed those metals never arrivedat the blacksmith.
Once they come to talk to him, it is raining, he's at a balcony.
He tells them he had no choice and zero hope to survive if he didn't cooperate.
Someone then shoots a crossbow bolt at his balcony him and he falls and diedies.
The guy who shot then smile at them, salute, then jumps ouside of the city walls (which are near the Hospitaller building)
'''Music Gaunter O Dim Witcher 3'''
In Jean's pocket they find denniers provinois. Only "Heal" can save him.
Insist how strange it is that the assain assasin just disappears by jumping out the city wall and survivessurvived. At least his body is never found.
In his office, lots of letters written by Eugène Clavicule, but encrypted. It's a proof he was a tool and accomplice.
Reward for completing the scenario track : Lots of people are witness to him jumpingJean dying. So the players are not accused of his murder.
=Part 3 The Provins trade fairXXXX=
'''Normal: Gwent Full Mix Witcher 3 then Normal Commanderie Templière'''
The Provins trade fair is a major economic event in the region. Merchants from all around the world attend to sell goods. It is the heart of economic activities in the city if not the region. It used to be much much bigger, but it is still a meaningful event.
Eugène Clavicule has a booth at the fair. Booths are very expensive. The players have to investigate.
When the players arrive at his booth. It is completely empty. The table is there, the umbrella is there (both are provided by the city) but the booth is empty !Only one item on the booth : There’s a lizard drawn on the table.
Their goal is to find Eugène Clavilcule.
{{Ambiance Track
| 5min = '''Music : Gwent theme 1 Witcher 3'''Fight of the dragon and the lizard. Every years, two team fights :One has a lizard toy made of wood on the top of a pole. The others have a dragon.They try to steal each other's flowers attached to their neck.Their jaws can be mechanically animates.The dragon team made their dragon breathe fire. (by pressing on a pulveriser throwing alcohol, then igniting it)Some people catch fire and jump in a fontain.A merchant is found dead in the fountain after the mess. Poisoned
| 15min = '''Music : Gwent Drink Up, There_s More! Witcher 3'''
There's an iron cross where prices are being hung.
The crowd hoes them.
The soldiers arrive to evacuate them.
A merchant sleeping on his stall nearby. He is dead. Poisoned| 20min 30min = A tavern is evacuated because a merchant is found dead poisoned in the tavern| 30min = '''Music : Gwent theme 1 Witcher 3'''Fight of the dragon and the lizard. Every years, two team fights :One has a lizard toy made of wood on the top of a pole. The others have a dragon.They try to steal each other's flowers attached to their neck.Their jaws can be mechanically animates.The dragon team made their dragon breathe fire. (by pressing on a pulveriser throwing alcohol, then igniting it)Some people catch fire and jump in a fontain.It makes everyone laugh, people drink a lot, there are a lot of people singing.| 45min = Players are attacked by bullies.They are in the same lane as a merchant, who is carried away by the bullies or killed on the spot.| 50min = XXXX A merchant sleeps on his stall, he is dead. Poisoned.
| 60min = '''Music : Access the Animus (debut rapide)'''A knife thrower throws knives and kills his accomplice. He continues to launch knifes aggressively on him until the guard stops him. He seems possessed.
The crowd is shocked. Then his accomplice wakes up and laughs.It was a joke. '''Music : Gwent Drink Up, There_s More! Witcher 3'''
Everyone laughs harder and drinks even more.
| 70min 75min = A merchant runs towards the players and dies in their arms. Poisoned.| 75min = '''Music : Gwent theme 1 Witcher 3'''There is a procession of people with pork masks.
Drunken people fill the streets, it becomes the feast of fools.
They carry a guy on a tank he is huge, drinking alcohol constantly. He's barely moving.
Their goal is to find Eugène Clavicle
But his booth is empty !There’s a lizard drawn on the table.
Action: There Knowledge general need a roll otherwise, they ask the locals. The lizard is someone who constantly watches the boothsymbol of the Saint Ayoul Church in ville basse. People who stop at They go there and find the booth and then look in same lizard carved on the back of the church, but that’s it.Big crowd can see him and come to himaround.(proof that they know the trick)
 Action: There is someone who constantly watches the lizard. The idea is that if he trust it’s a good customer, he will come to them later and explain the trick. The trick is, people who stop at the lizard and then look in the crowd can see him and come to him.(proof that they know the trick). Eugene has mostly regular customers and only rarely accept to deal with new faces, hence this method is a good way to avoid being followed.Action: Pretend or pay someone to pretend to be a customer. If they look like one he will come to them.
The vigil will then lead them to the fortune teller.
Potions, charms, books, animal parts. Some live rats in cage also.
She invites them to pick a card, so she can know them better. (She does that to impress customers.) The cards on the table are not tarot cards, on the back there’s only one item displayed. Two players have this choice. Show them the corresponding danse macabre character and image.And the fortune teller read them the quote from this card.
They have a choice between all those items, show the players the picture associated with it.
And have them write on their character sheet which item they are associated to :
XXXXList all the danse macabre items.
*'''Mask''' "Actor"
*'''Flute''' "Musicians"
Each players must chose an object that define him. This object will follow them during the campaign.
She pours on black and red liquid on it and read the pattern.
She XXXXShe reads and see her own future : she understand what the players are.
She takes a step back and drinks a poison and dies.
If they refuse that she reads their future of if they manage to stop her of cure her, she does not die.
Anyhow, she won't talk, torture is useless too. Unless with the interrogate skill, in which case she directs them to the next sequence.
In her home, they find :
{{Ambiance Track
| 5min = There’s a skull encased in the wall, instead of his eyes are two Provins coins.| 15min = Mad laughter Lots of scribings on the wall. Lots of names with a skull carved next to their names.| 30min = The players have the distinct impression that they have been to this gallery before. They see the skull with coins again (it’s not the same skull, but they don’t know that).| 45min = Screams of pains in the distance. Impossible to track| 30min 60min = Stream of smoke fills the room. Impossible to know where it comes from. Players coughs. The smoke stays a very long time.| 45min 75min = A sharp scream suprises them and They see the skull with coins yet again ! (If they drop their torches. Their torches and candles fall in water and are extinguished. They need left a very long time mark on it, the skull is broken at the place where they the mark, so maybe it’s the same skull maybe not, not clear)One of the player drops his torch by mistake because it burned his hand, his torch is wet no way to find them and dry themlight it back up.| 60min 90min = Two mad mans with skeleton costumes jumps at them bare handed. one of them vomits streams of blood and dies trying to attack them. The player on whom he vomited blood will have delirious visions until the end of the scenario, he is temporarily « Insane » .
The other runs away at incredible speed, he's bleeding. The players can follow his bloody footsteps until the room with the "accountant"
Penalty for reaching the end of the ambiance track : One player is delirious.
| 75min =
| 90min =
They have few trump cards if the players have the following talents :
Hunter Tracker : The player can follow tracks, so he can chose once to just use his ability to find the next room. Only once.
Eye of the detail : If the player specifically asks for tracks on the walls of markings made by crates. He can go to the next room.
Action: It's up to them to find a way to defeat him or pass by him.
If a player has a combat quality in relation to duels« monsters » , he can blind him.
But impossible to defeat him.
He has dirty shoes and wet clothes but he doesn't move.
There's a dead templar hospitaller with his sword bloody dried on the floor.
If the player touches him, he falls appart. They killed Eugène Clavicule !
Searching through the eugene documents, they find one that says where letter asking Eugene to ship the corpses were to be delivered. For next scenario. In the aftermath of this event. They gain the talent "Prowess" more explanations in the next scenariousual city »After couple And another that asked Eugene to send a vast sum of days. They all have money to a strange dreamvery small village'''During the dream Music Behelith''' In their sleep. Skeletons bring them bone objects related to the object they chose to represent them while with the fortune teller. The player who carries the coin has his object changed to "coin"For next scenario
All players gain one talent except Feat and the player who holds the coin. He gains twothe [[Bone Coin]] Feat.

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