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Danse Macabre Part 2

129 bytes removed, 10:17, 18 October 2020
Part 2 Black Silver
The players try to search for the catacombs, but it's a complete labyrinth, no chance.
They find punching equipments inside the tunnel. The equipment looks new as well as lots of ingots of silver, copper, lead and great qualityiron. It can't be easily producedToo many of them.
They check the books, indeed the hospitallers buy all those metals. Supposedly to make a hospitaller recently bought those minting equipments : stronger alloy to circle their cart's wheels. The head of procurement is Jean de la Maison de Dieuand ideed those metals never arrived.
Once they come to talk to him, it is raining, he's at a balcony.
He tells them he had no choice and zero hope to survive if he didn't cooperate.
XXXXXX He Someone then suddenly receives shoots a coin to crossbow bolt at his head (throw by a sling far far away) balcony and he take it in his hand, he looks at it falls and diesdie. '''Music Gaunter O Dim Witcher 3''' Insist on how strange his death is.The guy who shot then jumps ouside of the city walls (which are near the Hospitaller building)
He is alive, then he receives a coin just dies and fall on himself like a puppet who lost In his ropes. He then falls from the balcony, but the height didnpocket they find denniers provinois '''Music Gaunter O Dim Witcher 3'''t kill him, he was dead before.
Only "Heal" can save him. The coin was dipped in a very potent poison.
His corpse Insist how strange it is already coldthat the assain just disappears by jumping out the city wall and survives. (but it's raining and cold outside, so it's strange but plausible)
In his office, lots of letters written by Eugène Clavicule, but encrypted. It's a proof he was a tool and accomplice.
How did he die ? This scenario doesn't solve this mystery.

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