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Danse Macabre Part 2

339 bytes added, 09:08, 18 October 2020
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Their most sold product is some poisons that local merchants buy to shoot in each other's legs.
Another very profitable operation is the counterfeiting of silver coins.They chose to counterfeit old coins, that's why they make fake "Dennier Provinois"
They blackmail a powerful The punch of those old coins are all stored in the local knight hopsitaller and force him to ask his close friends to counterfeit coin at nighthospitaller commanderie.
They blackmail a powerful local knight hopsitaller and force him to let them sneak some iron into out the minting room through a hidden tunnel punch and dilute it in very small quantities into all the coins being minted. They then steal some silver and dilute they put it in large quantities to produce the counterfeit coins back at night.
They managed to make an alloy of coins that looks genuine but uses much much less silver. Those coins and all their profits are used to finance their last activity : Corpse trafficking.
The Doctor Theobald Shuplice is one of their men who will look for anonymous corpses at the obituary department of the local medical university.
He will then exchange those coffins with coffins full or earth and store the corpses before shipping in a secret cave.
He puts some coins in the coffin to bribe the people who bring him the corpses.
Being anonymous to begin with, those missing corpses are much less likely to be discovered.
-Why did Eugène buy corpses ? To ship where ? For what reason ?
-How did the hospitaller die so suddenly ? How did he blackmail him ?
-Is Eugène a person or an organisation ?
{{Ambiance Track
| 5min =
| 15min = A young canon is caught by the local guard. He has a provins coin as a necklace(just a coincidence). In fact his family was banned from the fair three year ago and cannot stay in Provins during the fair. He have also been banned from his home city. (the local tribunals could put very strong economical sentences like this)
| 30min = Some canons pass in all the rooms to spread smoke. It's called fulmigation. The point is to try to disinfect. Monks are found studying an open corpse. This is illegal and considered heresy. Players can choose to prosecute them or not.
| 45min = There XXXXThere is a currency that only serves during the fair. The "denier provinois". The currency is minted by the Hospitaller Knights of the area. It's a privilege given to the city, as to avoid currency problems during the fair. Some people come propose them to buy some.
At this point, their contact informs them that Eugène Clavicule has reserved a booth for the fair.
| 60min = A medical monster moves on the streets. He is heavily deformed. He was invited by the Canons to be examined.
If they discover the origin, they have reinforcements.
Their contact, Dr. Pierre Therici have found Eugène Clavicule's grave, he got his coffing removed and they are in the obituary department ready to open it. It's full of earth with just one silver coin. It's a "dennier provinois" a currency that is a hundred years old. No corpse inside. That's very suspicious. When they open the coffin ''Music : Alone in the Dark Mysteries''
He was found dead on public roads and nothing could identify him. Very likely just vagabond.
The cellar is filled with about fifty corpses ready to be shipped. But all documents are encrypted. No way to know where they should be shipped and why.
There are also money chests full of silver coins. A huge fortune in fact in silver denier provinois. Very suspiciousbecause this currency is a hundred years old.
Why buying corpses ? Where to ship them ? This scenario doesn't answer this mystery.
{{Ambiance Track
| 5min =
| 15min = A XXA person comes to buy his denier provinois at a Hospitaller desk. The hospitaller inspects each coins he is given one by one to see which ones have been slimmed down by filing them on the edges (to steal some gold out of them).
He accepts some of them and refuses some of them. He's very muscular.
He then gives a deposit slip. It's an encrypted document with a seal.
There is a real fortune in coins piled up in a chest. Only coins of black silver, they are dennier provinois. Counterfeit Those coins of where used during the upcoming faira hundred years ago but aren't produced anyumore.
Their goal is to discover who made them.
Those coins are where minted every year by a long time ago under supervision of the local Hopstialler commanderyTemplars in the "Ferme aux Templiers". It's was a privilege given by the king to the city.
The goal is to avoid currency change problems during the fair, so everything is bough and sold in this neutral currency.
The punch are now kept by the Hospitalers.
The counterfeits are good except for the metal, which is a bit dark.
This results in incredibly clean clothes and rooms. Also glass windows in some rooms. Great quality candles etc...
The head of minting this commanderie will do his best to help them.
The "Punches" are still in place on in the minting machinesvault. (Counterfeiting Counterfeiters comes at night, take the Punch, use them, put them back.)
Access to the room is strictly controlled. No entry or exit without being controlled.
There's very tight accounting of how much silver gets in and how many comes gets out.
Action: There is a hatch hidden on the ground. Under a box. Eye of the detail doesn't spot it, unless players specifically search for a hidden door.
This is where counterfeiters come in or out.
It's a tunnel that lead leads to the outsidecatacombs.
XXXXXXThey find iron bars and punching equipment inside the tunnel also.
Basically, the counterfeiters added some iron in very small proportions to all the genuine coins, and used this way to steal some real silver. Then they mixed a bit of silver and a lot of iron to make fake ones.

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