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Danse Macabre Part 2

33 bytes removed, 11:44, 17 October 2020
Part 2 Black Silver
He tells them he had no choice and zero hope to survive if he didn't cooperate.
He then suddenly put receives a coin to his head (throw by a sling far far away) and he take it in his mouth hand, he looks at it and falls from the balconydies. '''Music Gaunter O Dim Witcher 3'''
Insist on how strange his death is.
He is alive, then he is controlled like a puppet, puts receives a coin in his mouth then just dies and fall on himself like a puppet who lost his ropes. He then falls from the balcony, but the height didn't kill him, he was dead before.
Only "Heal" can save him. The only chance to prevent that is Truestrike on his hand (if the players have) there's zero other ways to preventt thatcoin was dipped in a very potent poison.
His corpse is already cold. (but it's raining and cold outside, so it's strange but plausible)

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