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870 bytes removed, 05:19, 20 September 2020
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A relic of Saint George encased in a spear could give you the [[Combat (duel)]] Feat etc...
your character have the following benefits.
He gains the [[Immune (diseases)]] Feat.
If his background justifies it, he also gains the [[⭐ Faith]] Feat.
Additionally, he gains one Feat of his choice in this list :
*[[Detect Lies]]
*[[Knowledge (apothecary)]]
*[[Knowledge (heresy)]]
*[[Knowledge (medicine)]]
*[[Miracle]] (even if the character isn't third level)
*[[Heal]] (even if the character isn't third level)
*[[Revelation]] (even if the character isn't third level)
*[[True Strike]] (even if the character isn't third level)
*[[Warcry]] (even if the character isn't third level)
Unlike other Archetypes, the Feats chosen must have a relation with the relic and the player has to justify it.

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