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Danse Macabre Part 1

219 bytes added, 12:01, 19 September 2020
no edit summary
Characters :
*Abbot AlbertAlbrecht, a writer
*Father Superior Rodolphe, the book binder
*Father Superior Arnaud (French), the illuminator he is on a trip to Avignon
*'''Normal music (when nothing is happening) : Z_Normal-Commanderie Templière '''
Your goal is to determine wether this an accident, a murder of a heresy.
'''Action : Ask to see the body of Friedrich II von Habsburg : '''
'''Music When they analyse the body : Z_Normal-Cathédrale Silencieuse''' Small body in a yellow flag with a red lion. His hands are joined and his eyes are closed. Lots of incese burning around him.
'''Action : Check eyes and mouth ''' His eyes are completely red and his tongue is swollen. He was clearly poisoned.
'''Action : Analyse poison or medicine : '''
The Composition of Death, red copper, nitric acid, verdigris, arsenic, oak bark, rose water and black soot
'''Action : Ask to see the body of Friedrich II von Habsburg : Open his hands '''
'''Music Danse Macabre''' Two of his fingers are missing, the middle finger and ring finger are missing. The doctor didn't notice this when he got the corpse. They were removed after his death.
'''Action : Ask to see the body of Otto der Fröhliche or Leopold II von Habsburg : ''' They both wear gloves beautiful gloves with a deep blue. Below their glvoes you can see that their two fingers have been replaced. So it's a heresy.
{{Ambiance Track
Purpose: To determine if it is suicide, murder or heresy. In order to call reinforcements. Soldiers came with them and for lack of evidence will return.
'''Action : Ask to see the body of Friedrich II von Habsburg : '''
'''Music When they analyse the body : Z_Normal-Cathédrale Silencieuse''' Small body in a red white red flag. His hands are joined and his eyes are closed. Lots of incese burning around him.
'''Action : Check eyes and mouth ''' His eyes are completely red and his tongue is swollen. He was clearly poisoned but could be suicide.
'''Action : Analyse poison or medicine : '''
The Composition of Death, red copper, nitric acid, verdigris, arsenic, oak bark, rose water and black soot
'''Action : Ask to see the body of Friedrich II von Habsburg : Open his hands '''
'''Music Danse Macabre''' Two of his fingers are missing, the middle finger and ring finger are missing. The doctor didn't notice this when he got the corpse. They were removed after his death. Clearly a '''murder''' !
'''Action : Ask to see the body of Otto der Fröhliche or Leopold II von Habsburg : ''' They both wear leather gloves the same gloves. Below their glvoes you can see that their two fingers have been replaced. It looks like a heresy but it's not a good enough proof.
'''Action : Inspect the gloves ''' There's a coat of arm with what appears to be a tree with two trunks and black wings. (if knowledge or knowledge heresy) That's the coat of arm of a Pagean ! Definitely a heresy !

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