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Danse Macabre Part 2

88 bytes added, 10:57, 22 September 2019
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Since last time, players are looking for Eugène Clavicule, the Skeleton Merchant.
They are contacted by a local contact (Dr. Pierre Therici) who says that some corpses seems to disappear in [[Valfranc]]Provins.
They arrive at the Provins trade fair. The city is overcrowded. Countless tents around the city walls because all inns are full.
* Explanations :
Valfranc Provins is an (imaginary) viscounty located a city in the county of Champagne in Medieval France.
Actually Eugène Clavicule is a person or an organisation quite powerful in ValfrancProvins.
They sell drugs and poisons, they also produce counterfeit coins.
Their operation is structured as follow :
Their HQ and main hideout is in the subterranean catacombs of ValfrancProvins.
That's where they produce the poisons and drugs as well as store them. They also store their profits there.
Another very profitable operation is the counterfeiting of silver coins.
They blackmail a powerful local templar knight hopsitaller and force him to ask his close friends to counterfeit coin at night.
They sneak some iron into the minting room through a hidden tunnel and dilute it in very small quantities into all the coins being minted. They then steal some silver and dilute it in large quantities to produce the counterfeit coins at night.
At the end of the scenario, players should understand completely the operations of Eugène Clavicule, with very few unsolved mysteries.
When the players arrive at the treasure room, the dead templar hopsitaller already killed or wounded Eugène. Whoever Eugène might be. He's already dead or dying, that's why he didn't stop the players and didn't run away with his treasure.
* Unsolved mysteries :
-Why did Eugène buy corpses ? To ship where ? For what reason ?
-How did the templar hospitaller die so suddenly ? How did he blackmail him ?
-Is Eugène a person or an organisation ?
*10min-Some students pass in all the rooms to spread smoke. It's called fulmigation. The point is to try to disinfect.
*30min-Teachers are found studying an open corpse. This is illegal and considered heresy. Players can choose to prosecute them or not.
*45min-There is a currency that only serves during the fair. The penny of the Vale"denier provinois". The currency is minted by the Templars Hospitaller Knights of the area. It's a privilege given to the city, as to avoid currency problems during the fair.
At this point, their contact informs them that Eugène Clavicule has reserved a booth for the fair.
*60min-A medical monster moves on the streets. He is heavily deformed. He was invited by professors to be examined.
The cellar is filled with about fifty corpses ready to be shipped. But all documents are encrypted. No way to know where they should be shipped and why.
There are also money chests full of silver coins. A huge fortune in fact in silver pennies of the Valedenier provinois. Very suspicious.
Why buying corpses ? Where to ship them ? This scenario doesn't answer this mystery.
=Part 2 Black Silver=
'''Normal (before arriving at the TemplarsHospitaller): Normal Departement Nécrologique'''
'''Normal (once arrived at the Knights TemplarHospitaller): Normal Commanderie Templière'''
After leaving the scene, they realise that those silver pennies have a strange black hue. They suspect it's a counterfeit and will have to try and understand who is responsible for their creation.
==Ambiance track==
*15min-A person comes to buy his pennies of the Vale denier provinois at a Templar Hospitaller desk. The templar hospitaller inspects each coins he is given one by one to see which ones have been slimmed down by filing them on the edges (to steal some gold out of them).
He accepts some of them and refuses some of them. He's very muscular.
He then gives a deposit slip. It's an encrypted document with a seal.
Later on, this document can be used to withdraw pennies of the Valedenier provinois.*30min-They see Templars Hopsitaller training by fighting each others. Their fight is very brutal. At the end of the fight a prayer the bells ring. With they bleeding faces, they put their robes on and go to pray.This scene illustrates how Templars Hospitallers are both harmless monks and deadly warriors.*45min-Hopsitaller/Templar ? Ceremony. They hear a hammer that strikes three times.
Launch the music '''Watchmen(OST 2009) - Pruit Igoe and Prophecies'''
All the templars hopsitallers are drawn to a room where they have their annual meeting.
Players are not allowed in.
The players have until the music reached 3:30 to do anything they want in the templar hopsitaller buildings. Because the building is completely empty.
Once the music reaches 3:30, they see all the templars hospitallers leaving their ceremony.
After the ceremony, many people come out. Many religious people, powerful people.
Professors. Merchants. But also Nobles. Towards the end of the procession there are four people wearing masks and surrounded by soldiers. Those people are too powerful to be recognised.
This scene is used to illustrate the power of the hopsitallers/templars, all power people are part of their organisation.
*60min- '''Music : Lacrimosa'''
Players are locked in a room. Behind there is a man with a mask. It's the Jean de la Maison de Dieu, but they can't recognise him.
Penalty if they reach the end of the track :
Jean de la Maison de Dieu pass near them and seems very panicked. He then runs away. Players runs after him. He dies mysteriously and his corpse is cold. There's no witnesses to this scene, so players are accused of killing this TemplarHopstialler, and they must keep a low profile for the rest of the scenario because templars hopstiallers are searching for them.
After the end of the scenario they will have to explain themselves to the inquisition
Their goal is to discover who made them.
Those coins are minted every year by the local Templar Hopstialler commandery. It's a privilege given by the king to the city.
The goal is to avoid currency change problems during the fair, so everything is bough and sold in this neutral currency.
To a point where they think that the "Punch" (the piece of the minting machine that holds the artwork) has been used for those fake coins.
Action: Players can get to visit the local templar hospitaller commandery
Change music once they are in the templar hospitaller buildings : '''Normal Commanderie Templière'''
Everyone is in brown coats, some in white coats (the nobles ones).
Basically, the counterfeiters added some iron in very small proportions to all the genuine coins, and used this way to steal some real silver. Then they mixed a bit of silver and a lot of iron to make fake ones.
But those bars of iron couldn't get in the templars hopsitallers building without being noticed.
Who bought them ? Why ?
Those templars hospitallers are one of the very first to circle their wheels with metal. (an important innovation in the middle age)
That's what the metal is supposed to serve for.
But the templar hospitaller Jean de la Maison de Dieu increases the amount of iron being ordered and stores the surplus in the storage.
Once they come to talk to him, it is raining, he's at a balcony.
As soon as he sees that they are coming to him, he panics. He refuses to let them approach.
He shouts at them to stay in the distance and implores them, lots of templars hospitallers are looking.
He tells them he had no choice and zero hope to survive if he didn't cooperate.
Reward for completing the scenario track : Lots of people are witness to him jumping. So the players are not accused of his murder.
=Part 3 The Valfranc Provins trade fair=
'''Normal: Gwent Full Mix Witcher 3 then Normal Commanderie Templière'''
The Valfranc Provins trade fair is a major economic event in the region. Merchants from all around the world attend to sell goods. It is the heart of economic activities in the city if not the region.
Eugène Clavicule has a booth at the fair. Booths are very expensive. The players have to investigate.
He has dirty shoes and wet clothes but he doesn't move.
There's a dead templar with his sword bloody dried on the floor.
If the player touches him, he falls appart. They killed Eugène Clavicule !

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