Grand Scheme

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Synonyms: Master Plan, Destiny, Great Conspiracy, Prophecy

Special: Prowess

Grand Scheme is a Prowess, this special kind of Feat is an action that can only be done once per scenario.

To acquire it, you need to already have another Feat related to it, for example : Any two of : Clairvoyance or Revelation or Puppet Master or Spy Network

Your Game Master may accept to waive such prerequisites if your background or in game actions justify it.


You have mastered the art of deep contemplation and strategic planning, setting aside time to immerse yourself in profound thought and analysis. By isolating yourself for 24 hours, delving into ancient tomes, indulging in mind-altering substances, or practicing divination, you gain unparalleled insight into your objectives.

After this 24-hour period of isolation and immersion, you experience a powerful revelation. This epiphany provides you with a clear vision or detailed understanding of the next step necessary to achieve your goal and advance your plans, providing guidance and clarity that might otherwise remain elusive.