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Danse Macabre Part 2

2,033 bytes added, 12:20, 10 June 2018
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He forgets everything.
The players say understand that torture is uselesson him. And killing him will serve even less.
The old man introduces them to the new potions.
Action: Tell him they have no money left. And that they need to go to eugene to pay for it. He then tells them where to go.
If the players don't find this action. After 10 minutes of talking to him he insults them incoherently and asks them to go to Eugène, he then tells them how to go.
===Ambiance room===
They see a message at the entrance of a room: Stop. This is the empire of death.
They see a message on the ceiling: Stop. This is the empire of death.
In the next room they enter a room with macabre engravings on the walls.
An army of the dead that forces people to join to their ranks :
===Room 4 : Treasure room===
They arrive at the eugene treasure room.
Chests everywhere filled with counterfeit money. Heaps and piles of money.
There is a very very big fat man chained to a table with registers. It's the accountant. He was chained on this seat for years, never using his legs.
He immediately understands the problem what's happening and yells for help.
It serves no purposeHis cry for help is ignored, torture is uselessbecause he doesn't know where to go. For Because he is chained to his seat and has been brought here chained. He has no more feet, he doesn't know the path to the next room.
ThatThis is most of Eugène's stock of coins. But obviously the last part of the eugene stock, but Eugene he stocks much more riches somewhere. And he is not herethere himself.
The account book is books are encrypted.
He's screaming for help. But that does not help. Eugène doesn't care if he dies.If instead of screaming for help they ask him to give the names of the customers. Or to encrypt decrypher the account books. This could be dangerous for Eugène.So a person dressed with bones comesand kills the accountant with a crossbow bolt. And Then tell the players to follow him to find eugenes.Insist on the damage the blot does to the chair and table. It is a forbidden weapon with formidable power.If he kill himthe players killed the accountant by mistake. After 10 min in the room a while the person arrives to see what the fuss noise wasand propose them to follow him.  ===Ambiance room==='''From this point on, Music : Quake'''
They arrive in a room with a weird macabre scene. Skeletons have been arranged in a strange scene. The skeletons are actual dead human skeletons, but they can stand up because of straws and wax used to give them a frame.
The skeletons eat each other, they dance, they build. They play cards, they mix :
This room is actually gargantuan. So wide that it is impossible to see the ends.
In the midst of the statues, they see countless of followers of Eugène. With skeleton costumes.
They walk on four feets, and wield a bone like a mace.
They seem completely mad and slowly surrounds the players. They scream like animals and randomly attack players.
The exit is obvious at the other end of the hall.
If the players have soldiers, they can try to pass protected by the soliders.
This will work.
They will take some soldiers and the players will hear them scream for a long time.
They arrive in a room with a weird macabre scene. Skeletons If the players have been arranged in a strange scene. The skeletons are actual skeletonsfighting skills related to skirmishes, but they can stand up because of straws keep them at distance and wax used to give them a framepass.The skeletons eat each other, they dance, they build. They play cards, they mix.This room is actually gargantuan. Gigantic hall, they are attacked by a skirmish of following eugene
If they have none of that, they have to find a way to pass. Or get beaten.
They arrive in the catacombs. Skulls everywhere.Next image===Room 5 : The guardian===
At one moment They arrive in the catacombs. Skulls and bones everywhere.In fact, the roof is smaller and smaller and they have to crawl in a sea of ​​skullsbones.
There is before them a black knight with skulls that blocks their way.
A He has a huge weapon and is very fast.This man is waaaay too big. He is in a room with a very high ceiling and some drops of water on him. Some light from the outside lights the room. The players are crawling, but this room stands in the way. The exit is obvious at the other end of the room.
He clutters the room but his armor is too big Action: It's up to them to find a way to exit through the entrance where the players aredefeat him or pass by him.Where there is there is If a player has a cold rain. which explains why combat quality in relation to duels, he is cold after his deathcan blind him. It's a UD of courseBut impossible to defeat him.
Action===Room 6 : It's up to them to find a way to defeat him.Eugène===
They then fall arrive on the stock treasure of Eugene Clavicle.
Gold. But also skulls.
Hoars of golds and precious items.
The players can have any items they dream of. Ask them what item they would dream of. It's there.
There is a skeleton lying sitting on ita chariot.Small detail, he He has dirty shoes and wet clothesbut he doesn't move.
If the player touches him, he falls appart. They killed Eugène Clavicule !
'''Music Haunter O Dim'''
The skeleton has a piece coin made of bone in the hand. She This coin is obviously very precious. it is one of the necromantic objects of Hella.
In the back of the room there is the engraving of the merchant with the same coin
Searching through the eugene documents, they find one that says where the corpses were to be delivered
The players burn everything and destroy the objects, they see the objects of their bosses. From that moment on they can do miracles