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Danse Macabre Part 2

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If they discover the origin, they have reinforcements.
Their contact, Canon Pierre Therici have found Eugène Clavicule's grave, he got his coffing removed and they are in the obituary department ready to open it. It's full of earth with just one silver coin. It's a "dennier provinois" a currency that is a hundred years old. No corpse inside. That's very suspicious. When they open the coffin '''Music : Alone in the Dark Mysteries'''
He was found dead on public roads and nothing could identify him. Very likely just vagabond.
'''Normal (before arriving at the Hospitaller): Normal Departement Nécrologique'''
'''Normal (once arrived at the Knights Hospitaller): Normal Commanderie Templière'''
After leaving the scene, they realise that those silver pennies have a strange black hue. They suspect it's a counterfeit and will have to try and understand who is responsible for their creation.
Players are locked in a room. Behind there is a man with a mask. It's the Jean de la Maison de Dieu, but they can't recognise him.
He tells them to leave him alone. He tries to convince them to stop the prosecution. He begs them even. If they try to bash the doors, he leaves. They can't get him.
| 75min = '''Music : The Song of the Sword-Dancer Witcher 3’'' Players are shot at by a crossbow. Explain that in the middle age, crossbows are prohibited weapons against other Christians.
Bolts should feel very impressive and powerful, destroying furnitures and all.
Either the players find a good way out or one of them is injured.
Action: Players can get to visit the local hospitaller commandery
'''Normal (once arrived at the Knights Hospitaller): Normal Commanderie Templière'''
Change music once they are in the hospitaller buildings : '''Normal Commanderie Templière'''
The players try to search for the catacombs, but it's a complete labyrinth, no chance.
They find punching equipments inside the tunnel as well as lots of ingots of silver, copper, lead and iron, and other metals. Too many of them. Those metals cannot be bought by just anyone.
Action: check the books, indeed the hospitallers buy all those metals. Supposedly to make a stronger alloy to circle their cart's wheels.
Someone then shoots a crossbow bolt at him and he dies.
The guy who shot then smile at them, salute, then jumps ouside of the city walls (which are near the Hospitaller building)
'''Music Gaunter O Dim Witcher 3''‘’’Music : Behelit - Berserk’’'
'''Normal: Normal Commanderie Templière'''
'''Creepy 1 (meeting with the fortune teller): Normal Horreurr Cérulée'''
'''Creepy 2 (alternative): Flippant, le diable est dans la boite'''
The vigil will then lead them to the fortune teller.
'''Music at the fortuneteller's hideout : Flippant, le diable est dans la boite'boite’''
He knocks at the door and say
They have a choice between all those items, show the players the picture associated with it.
And have them write on their character sheet which item they are associated to Sword, Coin, Rosary, Violin, Book Mace, Chest, Triptych, Ring, Crosier 
[[Danse Macabre Metaplot]]
'''Normal: Normal Bruit Noirs'''
'''Creepy: Quake'''
They have found the entrance of Eugène's hideout. But how to find his actual location ?
===Room 6 : Eugène===
'''Music Haunter Gaunter O Dim'''
They then arrive on the treasure of Eugene Clavicle.
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