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Danse Macabre Part 1

510 bytes added, 11:01, 19 September 2020
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The Pope wants the inquisition to investigate, because it is the third member of this family to die within few years in this abbey.
Otto der Fröhliche in 1339 then Leopold II von Habsburg in August 1344 and now Friedrich II in December.
Another very troubling fact his middle finger and ring fingers are missing.
Their rival Rudolf IV made it very clear to the pope, that he doesn't want any noise. The pope can investigate, but no conclusions can be made public. Officially, they died of illness and that's it.
3 levels of library plus the archives of the Societas Templois.
Description of the monsatery: Great towers, yellow stone. Path difficult to access need to go through a rope. 2500m of altitude. Very small city of Neuberg and the big Abbey.
Beautiful view in the mountains.
=Day 1=
*'''Normal music (when nothing is happening) :Z_Normal-Commanderie Templière ''' Playlist Normal Latharne la silencieuse*'''Action : Ask to see the body of Friedrich II von Habsburg : ''''''Music When seeing they analyse the body : Z_Normal-Cathédrale Silencieuse''' Small body in a yellow flag with a red lion. His hands are joined and his eyes are closed. Lots of incese burning around him. '''Action : Check eyes and mouth ''' His eyes are completely red and his tongue is swollen. He was clearly poisoned. '''Action : Analyse poison or medicine : '''The Composition of Death, red copper, nitric acid, verdigris, arsenic, oak bark, rose water and black soot '''Action : Ask to see the deadbody of Friedrich II von Habsburg :Open his hands ''' Edward Cisorhand'''Music Danse Macabre''' Two of his fingers are missing, the middle finger and ring finger are missing. The doctor didn't notice this when he got the corpse. They were removed after his death.
First week, there is a suicide that looks like a murder. Father Etienne (illuminator ) is found dead, fallen from a tower naked. Players find an unreadable letter in the mouth of the dead.
Finding the letter in the dead man's mouth: '''Music Danse Macabre'''
{{Ambiance Track
| 5min = ???
| 15min = Everyone stops to go to pray
| 30min = All Axes of the monastery are gone.
| 45min = Dead animal before their door
| 60min = Sinister sound, like a sinister laugh, actually it's a squeaky door