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Prima RPG β

Instill Madness

Revision as of 12:55, 19 September 2020 by Taiko (talk | contribs)

Synonyms: Drive Insane, Words of Madness

Special: Prowess

Instill Madness is a Prowess, this special kind of Feat is an action that can only be done once per scenario.

To acquire it, you need to already have another Feat related to it, for example : No prerequisites, anyone can take this Prowess.

Your Game Master may accept to waive such prerequisites if your background or in game actions justify it.


Using exactly the right words and the right tone, you instil doubt and uncertainty in your target. Slowly shattering the core of their soul.

Depending on how familiar you are with target and depending on the strength of his beliefs, it may take few sentences or few hours or not be possible at all.

If the maddening attempt is successful, the target will either cow and sob or try to attack you violently, then it will permanently suffer for the effects of Insane or Lost Faith depending on its personality.