+1 Feat

From Prima RPG
Revision as of 15:47, 13 September 2020 by Taiko (talk | contribs)
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Yay ! You levelled up !

Now, at any time, you can replace this by a Feat of your choice.

Even in the middle of the game, it can be done ANY time !

Remember the rules :

  • Feats could be :
    • General Feats
    • Archetypes
    • Prowesses

All of those are *Feats*

Two rules : You cannot take a General Feat twice. You can only have *one* Archetype. And you can only start to have Prowesses after you're level 3 or more. Once you are level 3 or more, you can take as many prowesses as you like or even take the same Prowess several times.