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Danse Macabre Part 4

1,046 bytes removed, 18:56, 28 July 2019
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If they reach the exit, they win, next phase. If not. They are caught, hurt and next phase.
"Crosier" lock them in. He has the key to open all the doors of the cathedral. Impossible to leave without the key.
Orphans are kept in Jails.
They need to find a way to free them without making noise.
Lock picking works, great strength work (they are shitty jails)
Shims work as well.
Hitting on the locks work, but sounds the alarm.
They hear some scratches coming from next door, like claws on the gournd (they are cleaning)
The orphans ask the players to be silent because the "Charognard" are nearby
The orphans say there are more orphans inside.
XXXX something more interesting in this room ??
Lots of valets cleaning some blood.
The room is a circle of sacrifice. drenched in blood.
The room is clearly soundproof but there a kind of ritual bell. They want to ring it.
How to prevent them from ringing it ?
Truestrike to kill the guy before he has time ?
Bluff to make them believe it's normal that they are here ?
Any other smart ideas ?
Strong blood stench.
XXXX===Altar of Madness===
Lots of child heads looking at the book with bones. They are on pikes moving, liek they are chatning or something. The room is red.
They have the feeling than more and more heads are looking at them.
Unbreathable blood stench, horrible sight, players can go crazy.
The book is held by chains, no way to take it and it is impossible to destroy it, no matter what. The more they attack it, the more it reaches their brain.
But there's a small iron chest in front of the altar with a skull on it.
"sword" then see them and shuts an iron gate to lock them in.
The he tries to smoke them out.
How to open the chest ?
Action : the iron key opens it. Violence otherwise can work. Or lockpicking.
In the chest they will countless horrible poems.
With alchemical potions and ingredients.
It explains almost everything, except what he wants to build as a gift to "art"
In this plan, they see a way out (XXXXhow ???)
==Ambiance Track==
*0min The fire starts. The cathedral is on fire.
*15min The fire is unnaturally strong. They smell strong incense.
*15min The tower burns, revealing skeletal hands in the fire.
*30min Incense smell intensifies. They hear souls screaming. they now see clearly that the tower is hiding a spire of entwined skeletons.
They scream fire.
*45min The sound of souls screaming is strong and unbearable. ?? Some heads of skeletons explode ??
*60min Skeletons start falling from the tower.
*100min The tower collapses. Same for the roof of the Cathedral. They are hurt.
BOSS fight against "Sword"an the deacon "Crosier" ? "Crosier" is trying to hold the players off while the other artefact bearers run away.

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