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167 bytes added, 18:45, 26 February 2022
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| Synonyms = Erudite, Philosopher, Scholar, Doctor
| Prowess? = No
| Archetype? = Yes
On the shoulder of those giants you stand and have uncovered countless secrets.
A Either a rich benefactor is spending a fortune on furbishing your laboratory and finance your countless expeditions in search for rare tomes and ingredients, unless or you are engulfing your own fortune.
You made some great discoveries in chemistry and medicine but that's not your goal.
As an Alchemist, the character gains the Feat [[Knowledge]].
He If his background justifies it, he also gains two Feats the [[⭐ Faith]] Feat. Additionally, he gains one Feat of his choice in this list :
*[[Knowledge (apothecary)]]
*[[Knowledge (pyrotechnics)]] (even if the character doesn't meet the prerequisites)
*[[Knowledge (medicine)]]
*[[Knowledge (cryptography)]]
*[[Knowledge (heresy)]] (Knowledge ! At all cost !)
*[[Rich]] (your research is more advanced than you dare to admit)
*[[Immune(diseases)]] (your research is more advanced than you dare to admit)*[[Immune (poisons)]]
*[[Photographic Memory]]
*[[Eye for Detail]]
*[[Venerable AgeHandicap (venerable age)]]*[[Handicap (weak)]]*[[Handicap (insane)]]*[[Handicap (lost faith)]]
If Unless his background justifies it, the character chooses cannot take the Feat [[Venerable AgeCombat]], he only gains one additional Feat of his choice (inside our outside this list) instead of the two normally provided by [[Venerable AgeStrong]] or [[True Strike]].This is an exception to the rule, normally a character is not able to have two archetypesFeats.
Note that not all alchemists have this feat and the character may de facto be of this profession without having it.

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