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527 bytes added, 06:53, 5 April 2019
no edit summary
| Synonyms = SynonymAInsomnia, SynonymBNever Sleep, SynonymCTireless, Endurance
| Prowess? = No
| Archetype? = No
| Official? = Yes
| Description =
Description The character requires little to no sleep.He can stay awake for an entire week and still function properly.Under normal circumstances, he barely needs to sleep four hours per night. He is particularly endurant and can sustain physical effort five times longer than an average person. Medieval life often require short nights of sleep. The most devout monks will pray every two hours including at night and the Feat goes heremost reliable messengers will walk and ride for days without sleep. Describe A strong tolerance to sleep depravation can be vital in the detailed effect in gamemost critical situations.

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