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Knowledge (apothecary)

5 bytes added, 07:50, 5 April 2019
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The character has an encyclopedic knowledge of the substances of plant, mineral or animal origins, able to affect living bodies. Which ones exists, how to recognise the symptoms of their use and how to use them in all sorts of ways, including poisons and counter-poisons.
The character can analyse any substances to know if it is a poison and make a preventive antidote for up to ten persons.
He can reverse the effects of most poisons over the course of few days.
He can make brews to kill, sedate, stimulate and influence people in many ways.
From Hippocrates' treaties to Socrates' hemlock, to Mitridate; from Abu al-Abbas al-Nabati to Hildegard of Bingen, to Romeo and Juliet; the medieval world inherited an extensive knowledge of substances that can affect humans, both as dangers and helps. Some of it academic knowledge, some of it empirical or oral tradition transmitted word of mouth or from mothers to daughters since the dawn of time. In the middle ages, the apothecaries are open to the public and anyone can purchase medicinal substances from them. But most remedies can be used to kill, too, and poisoning became a fairly common technique of assassination. In parallel, antidotes started to become more and more well known.
However, all of these knowledges varied widely from one specialist to another. Additionally evaluating how concentrated in active ingredient a given product or a direct extract was, required a lot of experience.
On a 1,2,3,4 this Feat has no effect.
On a 5 or 6 the character is considered to have the [[Knowledge]] Feat momentarily.

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