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Danse Macabre Part 3

20 bytes added, 21:26, 31 March 2019
no edit summary
* Initial situation :
Year : 13311346
Geography :
Country : "Kingdom of France"
County (Compté) : "Champagne"(MOVE IT TO STRASSBOURG ??)
Viscounty (Vicomté) : "Valfranc"
The guy screams : "Oh Dark Lords, I have served you well ! Invite me, for I have accomplished my duty !"
Then suicides by hanging himself among the other corpses. If the players manage to save him, he doesn't speak anyway.
The warehouse used to store about a hundred dead bodies. But now it's empty. Except for a dozen villages hanged. The trail ends there.
All the village come to try to stop the fire. They throw water and earth at it until it stops.
When the other peasants see that, they say. It's the skeletal minstrel"curse"When asked about it, they say the curse brings lots of misery.The crops are rotting, hethe harvest isn'll damn us allt good.They say there have been sights of a skeletal violinist/ministrel A "White Lady" appears every weeks between friday and saturday near the cemetery.A skeletal violinist is spotted sometimes in the cemetery.
(explain that in this period violins don't existe yet, so it's actually a ministrel and his instrument is a psaltery)
The ladies are ugly.
Some children disappear and lots of unborn childs.
* Explanations :
'''Oldaric Lefol''' was in love with '''Evelyne''', but his father '''Jerome Dubois''' wanted to marry her to the Bourgmestre insetadinstead.
So he drowned him and the burried him with him instrument.
But he pretended to drown and survived. He then left his grave to get his revenge.
When Oldaric was at his worst, an individual approached him and explaiend explained him about dancing plagues.
Told him that if he did what he had to, he would get his revenge.
The point is to first enfeeble people, by starvation and by poisoning (mandragora and "ergot de seigle").
Once they are very enfebled, pretend a dacing dancing plague is starting (with bribed actors) a hence triggering a collective hysteria.
He also explains him a way for him to see '''Evelyne''', she would have to pretend sleepwalking.
When Oldaric sees that the inquisition is involved, he doesn't know what to do. And try to scare them away, and if possible make them dance for long enough so he can get his revenge without harming them. (harming the inquisition would mean running for the rest of his life)
That's why he tries to drug them with mandragora and put them in a situation where it's almost impossible to resist the mass hysteria.
Wether Whether he succeeds or not, his goal is not to kill them.
They are cooking leaves and mushrooms as well as rotten grain.
The penn is almost empty, only one very thin sheep remains.
The sick peasant see the players then scream "You will dance No ! You will dance No Dancing ! We will all dance No Dancing ! No Dancing !" '''Music : Chant_Entrapment-8'''
When asked what happended, the family doesn't know, he was sick since few days, a fine tissue handkerchief was found on him when he went mad. He had skipped a dinner on that day.
*45min Some peasants are eating a rotten carcass of a boar. It is not legal for peasants to hunt, in this time only lords have the right to hunt. But they swear it was a dead carcass they found and they didn’t hunt it. 
Another peasant comes towards them with a knife he looks at very angry « You will dance « No ! You want to make us all dance No Dancing ! I'm not going to dance No Dancing ! I'm not No Dancing ! I won't dance ! »  »  '''Music : Chant_Entrapment-8''' He is caught very quickly.

If the players search him, he have a tissue handkerchief with bread crumbs on it.
*60min There's a child lost in the woods. His parents tried to get rid of him. But he came back.
*75min A Priest gathered lots of people in a large hut. They all start laughing incontrolably and say "You will dance No Dancing ! You will dance No Dancing ! We will all dance ! All of us No Dancing !" '''Music : Chant_Entrapment-8'''
They all come from one home. If the players search their home, there are several tissue handkerchiefs with white bread in it.
*100min At the end of the atmosphere track, they are attacked by a bunch of peasants who want to eat their meat. Either they have the Combat (skirmish) ability, or one of them is Wounded.
She is pretending to be sleepwalking, so if the players wake her up, she wakes up, no problem.
She pretends to be sleep walking because the truth is, every weeks, she goes to see her lover. But of course she can’t say that because he’s supposed to be dead.
Action : Where does this white dress come from ? It is the same quality as the handkerchiefs, it was offered by Oldaric as a gift after he died. But she'll always refuse to admit it and say it was a gift from him from before he died
Action : Where the flowers come from ? Nobody wants to respond. But eventually they know that it comes from an old lover who died.
Alternatively (if they search his home too early), there’s nothing of interest in his home, but if they open his grave, the peasants start a search for a place where he might live and they find his hideout and a chest full of devil’s bread.
(Optional :)
Once the father '''Jerome Dubois''' learns that the grave is empty. He is angry and go to the woods with a bunch of peasants with torches to go kill the ministrel.
He see a ministrel in the woods and chase him.
At some point, they are attacked by a flock of wolfs. Either one of the players have Combat (Skirmish) or one of the players is wonded.
At the end of the skirmishe, Evelyne's father '''Jerome Dubois''' is found drowned, hammered by a large stick. (the same way he killed oldaric)
There are clear footsteps, but impossible to follow.
So '''Oldaric''' isn't dead !!!
=Part 2 Peasant revolt=
The players have to drink it. They then fall asleep.
If they refuse to drink it. After some time, they will go to bed and see the next sequence in their dreams anyway.
=Part 4 The appointment=
They take more time to comb the woods and they find Oldaric's actual hideoout, they find real food, clothes etc...
Villages start to talk. Some of them where actually paid to pretend a dancing mania. The point was to trigger an actual dancing mania, and it worked.

They find a contract signed in blood between Oldaric and a certain "L" that details all he has to do to get his revenge.
Some people also knew about Evelyne meeting with him and her way of pretending she was posessed.
Among his stuff, they find an invitation to a bal masqué called the "Danse macabre"
But there The masquerade is no place on the invitation but there is a date, it's supposed to happen in November 1347 in more than six monthsMarseille.
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