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Danse Macabre Part 4

368 bytes added, 21:47, 25 March 2019
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If they talk to the lord, his voice is a bit off.
Action : If they tear his the fake lord's mask, they see it's not the same person.
He then confess that the lord went to another tower.
The lords shows to all of his guests taht those are inquisitors. People are defensive.
People go see the lord one by one. Also, a weird valet dressed like the gream reaper comes to every guests one by one.
Action : They should dress like one of the guests and eavesdrop. Or question Then the guestsGrim reaper eventually come to them and ask for their letters.
One valet dressed like the grim reaper They have half an hour to come to them and ask for their letter. He has a bag full of lettershim.
Action : Either they should steal the reaper's bag, discretely or they should steal give him a stolen letter from someone drunk and deliver it to the valley.
They have The letter is a vague allusion to search the bagthem havign killed X people in Y way. In it there are the accounts of how many people where killed and how but But it's too vague to be a proof. In exchange they get a card with a name on it. that's the name of a dead person's grave they should dig in the marseille cemetry.proff
The players go to one reaper then gives them a card with a name ??and a date?? on it. If they search, they understand that it's the name of a dead person burried in marseille. Action : They should unearth the grave and of this person. They unearth a reward as well as something some text making it more obvious what actualy happenned. But it 's still too little to be a proof, sword isfar too careful.
=Part 2 Missing orphans=
Too many Orphans are missing, their goal is to prove that "sword" is responsible. That way they slowly find the source of the disappearancescan take him down.
==AftermathScenario Track==They see an orphan running away. He is wounded and dies in their arms.
=Part 3 Altar of madness=
*'''The First dancer : Prince of Darkness - Fire Emblem'''
The players discover the altar where "the sword" made his sacrifices. They found the plan of the tower, it requires a lot of corpses. Now they have to escape.
==Ambience Track==

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