→Post Game Bonus
The Secretum Templi is a rumour that Roncelin de Fos actually created a secret Templar order within the templar order, and we have the secret founding documents of this order, however it is mostly considered fake by historians. Secret rules of the templars http://prima.wiki/merzdorf.pdf starts page 128, before that it’s just the intro
Under torture, several templars did admit that there was a secret order, however it's difficult to be sure that it's true, in Bernard de Montpezat's confession he says « nous avons trois articles que personne ne connaîtra jamais, exceptés Dieu, le diable et les maîtres. » "We have three articles that no one will ever know, except for God, the devil, and the masters."
The Abraxas is indeed a cryptic templar symbol.