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Danse Macabre Part 9

11 bytes added, 10 September
Part 3 The City of the Pillars
- '''Music Normal : TODO'''
'''Detail : In the next section of the book they talk about the return voyage by boat which was one of the hardest they ever saw, they went through a terrible hailstorm. As if god himself wanted ot push them away. Many of their sailors simply died killed by the hailstorm. However the chaplain was already dead so he didn't quote the bible.'''
===Day 0-6===
'''Detail : In the next section of the book they talk about the return voyage by boat which was one of the hardest they ever saw, they went through a terrible hailstorm. As if god himself wanted ot push them away. Many of their sailors simply died killed by the hailstorm. However the chaplain was already dead so he didn't quote the bible.''' Now everyone who have read the book is beyond exhausted, they are obsessed with the nightmares of the mad king, and they feel sleepless.
They can’t just be without sleep forever, they have to reach the source, they have to find the hidden city and find the texts that leads to the knowledge of the Philosopher’s stone.
They made an expedition deep into the desert. With Barral’s connections, they managed to get safe conduit through the lands of the Sultanates they need to cross.
In this whole section they will have to roll a "Desert" dice due to how long they stay on the desert PLUS one desert dice per each Action they fail to resolve successfully. Anyone with the [[Survival]] skill succeeds automatically all those theese rolls. The desert roll is as follow : '''All players roll a die 6, on a 1 they are either Drowsy or Wounded by the heat, their choice. If they are already both, they die.'''
There’s sand everywhere in all directions, how to navigate the desert ?
Action : Use stars by night, use sun position and wind direction by day.(if they can't resolve this, roll one '''Desert dice''')
===Day 7-13===
'''Day 7 : All players Everyone roll a die 6, on a 1 they are either Drowsy or Wounded by the heat, their choice. If they are already both, they die.Desert dice'''
They can’t carry enough water, how to find more water ?
Action : They need at least two of those possible solutions (if they can't resolve this, roll one '''Desert dice''') :
*Anything that makes sense
*Collect morning Dew
The sun heat is unbearable by day, they lose water way too quickly and their skin is burned. (unless they already proposed the following action)
Action : Travel by night, sleep by day under a tent.(if they can't resolve this, roll one '''Desert dice''')
===Day 14-20===
'''Day 14 : All players Everyone roll a die 6, on a 1 they are either Drowsy or Wounded by the heat, their choice. If they are already both, they die.Desert dice'''
They are now completely out of any type of water.
Action : They have to slaughter some of their beasts or companions and drink their blood.(if they can't resolve this, roll one '''Desert dice''')
They see a lot of lakes and Oasis all around, but no matter how much they get close, the water seems to dissipate.
Action : Of course the "water" is a mirage (heat reflection looks like a lake), only if they see palm trees then it is real although much further than it seems due to heat reflection.(if they can't resolve this, roll one '''Desert dice''')
===Day 21-27===
'''Day 21 : All players Everyone roll a die 6, on a 1 they are either Drowsy or Wounded by the heat, their choice. If they are already both, they diedesert dice.'''
They find the Oasis, but it there are several floating corpses in the water.
How to still drink the water although it's contaminated clearly ?
Action : Knowledge (apothecary) can help make some local remedies to disinfect like Moringa Seeds, Miswak tree, or boil it.(if they can't resolve this, roll one '''Desert dice''')
One of their men fall into madness.
Action : Combat (duel or skirmish) or any other way to stop him from killing everyone.(if they can't resolve this, roll one '''Desert dice''')
Roncelin seems to be working on a strange wooden object, he takes his whole attention doing that and it's hard to see what this object is.
===Day ???===
'''Day ??? : All players Everyone roll a die 6, on a 1 they are either Drowsy or Wounded by the heat, their choice. If they are already both, they diedesert dice.'''
They have lost count of the days. They have now been walking for what seems an eternity.
Action : Tent and water are the priority. Even more than food or anything else. In particular no weapons or armors.
If they don't take the right things the penalty is two rolls instead of one.(if they can't resolve this, roll one '''Desert dice''')
A long unending wind rises. It seems like a long slow laughter in the distance.
How to protect their eyes from the wind ?
Action : They can actually cover their faces and walk blinded.(if they can't resolve this, roll one '''Desert dice''')
'''Day ?????? : All players Everyone roll a die 6, on a 1 they are either Drowsy or Wounded by the heat, their choice. If they are already both, they desert die.'''
Roncelin laughs : “If you are the Son of God, command that these stones become loaves of bread.” and he seems to actually try to turn some sand to bread.

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