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Danse Macabre Part 9

1,246 bytes added, 25 August
Day ???
===Day ???===
'''Day ??? : All players roll a die 6, on a 1 they are either Drowsy or Wounded by the heat, their choice. If they are already both, they die.'''
They have lost count of the days. They have now been walking for what seems an eternity.
Everyone is dead except the players and Roncelin, of their massive expedition only they remain.
With one almost dead Camel carrying their stuff.
They arrive at a camp site.
It seems that the whole bedoin camp site killed each others.
There's no food left, there's no water left, nothing written or of any value. Impossible to date the expedition.
The camel eventually dies. What to bring with them, what to leave behind ?
Action : Tent and water are the priority. Even more than food or anything else. In particular no weapons or armors.
If they don't take the right things roll three desert dice : All players roll a die 6, on a 1 they are either Drowsy or Wounded by the heat, their choice. If they are already both, they die.
A long unending wind rises. It seems like a long slow laughter in the distance.
'''Day ??? (even if they succeeded previously) : All players roll a die 6, on a 1 they are either Drowsy or Wounded by the heat, their choice. If they are already both, they die.'''
Roncelin laughs : “If you are the Son of God, command that these stones become loaves of bread.” and he seems to actually try to turn some sand to bread.

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