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Danse Macabre Part 9

64 bytes removed, 25 August
The Secretum Templi
Non-Templars : Barral 1er des Baux, Taurelli de Strata (the envoy of the emperor)
In total they are XXX 27 including the players. '''TODO : XXX = How many 27 is the exact number of bones in a human hand ? Should be that many people present including the players.'''
Each Templars enter one by on the Temple. Only the players which are actual Templars (not sergents) can be part of this scene, there others are outside but they can listen.
'''TODO : Make the actual oath based on the sercret rules of the templars'''
As they do that, the lights seem to fade and they all start dacing in a long dance each with a skeleton between them and this dance will last for hundreds of years and kill more than half of europe.

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