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Danse Macabre Part 9

3,010 bytes added, 14 August
Part 2 Of Guelfes and Gibelins
The whole crew was haunted by what they had read and sleep was very scarce.
As they met Barral, he explains that he never saw this scroll and this is not his seal was stolen and but indeed it looks like it because it is one of his cousins disappeared the same day, he never saw this scrolldistant relatives.
Action : Ask more about the cousindistant relative. He explains that it was a distant relative, he barely knew who lived in a small castle Templar wine estate nearby, he brings them there. If the players ask what this distant relative’s name is, say that it was not written in Roncelin’s book, so they don’t know. They go to the small fortified farm that the cousin was holding with a small vineyard and some cattle. ‘’’Details : When they approach the estate they realise that all the cattle is dead ! The chaplain part of the group figures it out and says to Roncelin that he should stop, the lord is angry.’’’ **Exodus 9:3-6** > "The hand of the LORD will bring a terrible plague on your livestock in the field—on your horses, donkeys and camels and on your cattle, sheep and goats.”>  As they approach a peasant rushes to lock the gates and run inside. ‘’’Music : Alone in the Dark Mysteries’’’ The farm then starts burning. The noise of the fire sounds like a very low pitched sow laughter. Action : Any meaningful way to get past the gate as quickly as possible. The players run inside the farm, the fire started in the stables, but they can still stop it. Of course the servant who started the fire is nowhere to be seen. Action : Any meaningful way to stop the fire. If not they can just try to run inside the fire and get stuff in his home. His room is suprinsingly empty and tidy. Action : On the roof there’s a trapdoor leading to a hidden top floor. They can clearly see that one floor is missing from the outside. His hidden room is full of Alchemical instruments, his roof is full of a Danse Macabre. They also find a lot of maps that seem to indicate the location of a mythical city very deep into Ayyubid territorry. Action : Knowledge (heresy) : They understand that it is the lost city of Pillars. It is really too risky to go there now, but if they agree to help Barral, he will use his political sway to get them safe conduit that deep inside enemy territorry. He knows someone who knows someone who has a big favor from the Sultan and could call it in. ===Conquest=== Barral accepted to help, but only if Roncelin helps him in return to defeat his current enemies. Barral explains that the Guelfes are his mortal enemies, they have been stealing all of his estate since he is a stanch supporter of the Gibelin, to those who don’t know, the Guelfes are those in support of the Pope and the Gibelins are those in support of the Emperor, the two main powers of the holy roman empire. Since the “true faith” was rejected by the church, the Count of Toulouse lost a lot of land to the House of France and was excommunicated, he had to personally go barefoot kneeling in front of the gate of Notre-Dame and make an oath to obey the church and carry the cross in order to get his excommunication revoked. Action : Knowledge (heresy) : He means the Cathar faith. Barral is secretly a Cathar. In the process Barral lost all his lands, but now with the help of an envoy from the emperor himself he intends to get his lands back. And to hell with excommunication.
=Part 3 The City of the Pillars=

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