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Danse Macabre Part 9

1,962 bytes added, 14 August
Part 1 Of Templars and Assassins
Action : Knowledge (cryptography or heresy) or Polyglot the original text is in Hieratic which is normally undecipherable and there's a translation in Arabic but it's very hard to understand.
Ask the players : Who tries to read it ? Make a list of all players who collaborate to try to read it, this is very important, even if they don't have the feat but "tried" to read it, it counts.
With skilled work and restraint
And it goes on and on very difficult to understand
===The Nightmare===
'''Music : Eternal Darkness OST - Temple Insanity'''
All the players who read the text are themselves in this vision following Roncelin, the others are ghosts incapable of doing anything.
If nobody read it, then they are all ghosts.
They are all walking deep inside the desert.
Their waterskins are full of sand, they didn't drink any water for days.
One of them has the black scroll in his hand.
They are not able to talk at all.
Action : He opens it, it is a map. They follow it.
They walk for days and past by many corpses of many different cultures, most of which they do not recognise.
Some of which are clearly ancient Greek or Ancient Romans, ancient Egyptians also.
Some have very very strange clothes.
Action : All known cultures are respresented, but some are unknown, from the future perhaps ? Or unexplored continents ?
They arrive in the ruins of a City with very high pillars carved inside a mountain.
They are greeted by an dark giant in rags with a crown under his rags. His seems to laugh with a very deep voice and very slowly.
He points in a certain direction.
'''Music : (loop between) Eternal Darkness - Insanity Ambient Noise 'The Mansion' and Eternal Darkness - the Cathedral Insanity Ambient Noise'''
They arrive in an underground chamber with a forest of dark pillars.
Each engraved with Hieratic filled with gold.
In the middle of the room is a book whose cover is made of bones on a pile of skulls.
As they enter the room, the entire city behind them starts burning.
Action : Touch the book.
They instantly wake up in sweat in their beds.
At the end of this nightmare, all those that tried to read the book previously gain : [[⛧ Whispers of Madness]]
Add it to their charcter sheets and give them few minutes to read the effect.
Then they all start the Insanity Timer. Explain them the rule to be sure they all understood.
=Part 2 of Guelfes and Gibelins=

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