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Whispers of Madness

48 bytes added, 7 July
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The terrible knowledge you absorbed from the forbidden text grants you unique insights and dark powers. However, this gift comes at a dire cost.
Using this prowess you may emulate once the effect of [[Dark Miracle]], this Feat then becomes [[Whispers of Madness (used)]] once .Once used, you may only use this Feat to emulate the effect of one of the following Feats :
*[[Instill Madness]]
*Any other [[:Category:Dark Feats|Dark Feats]]
At each the start of each scenario, launch initiate a repeated 60min timer of real-life time60-minute timer. Each this When the timer rings, restart it then your character has to must open the cursed book and read it for 15 minutes of in-game time. If he cannot, he permanently looses Failure to do so results in the permanent loss of one Feat. If he reaches zero your character loses all their Feats, he diesthey die.A [[Miracle]] or [[Faith]] can delay the timer by 120 minutes.

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