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Danse Macabre Part 8

2 bytes added, 15:17, 9 July 2022
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=Part 1 the Trial of the Red Knight=
{{Ambiance Track
| 5min = (timer only starts when they land, not before) Lots of Sea Gulls, the air is quite humid. Constant Gull noises. They are shocked by how deserted the island is, there are basically no towns or villages. They receive a scallop shell / “coquille saint jaques” on their head (dropped by the gulls)
| 15min = Some peasants come to them and give them pagan offerings, including some wheat Wreaths. They then start begging them to leave. They try to do a christian prayer but they get it all wrong.
| 30min = They see a little altart with the carving of the face of an old man, below it is written “the King”. In front of it, lots of offerings of grass “green rushes”. And there’s a prayer in a little scroll “Manannan Mac y Leirr Little Manannan son of the Sea who blessed our island, bless us and our boat going out well, coming in better with living and dead in our boat”
One of the offerings is a weird little pendant that looks like dozens or tiny teeth put as a pendant a “Crosh bollan”
| 45min = There’s a horse walking towards them. On his side is written in French “Run away now ! Leave the island now !”. There’s a bunch of decapitated rabbit corpses attached to the horse looking almost like a saddle.
| 60min = In Peel Castle, they find a guard completely terrified. (he saw the Moddey Dhoo) he is unable to speak and completely shocked.
| 75min = They see the city council holding a meeting outside. They don’t let them approach, but they hear loud complaints that Castle Rushen is not accessible so it’s undignified that they have to meet here.
| 90min = Attack of Thomas Holland’s men triggers a massive melee. Two players get stabbed in the process and are Wounded. Moving on to next sequence.
- '''Music Normal : Normal Z_Normal-Département Nécrologique'''
Now they have a sample of the poison and can cure him.
=Part 2 The Banshee of Castle Rushen=
{{Ambiance Track
| 5min = There’s a wonderful cat looking at them intesely and meowing very loud. After watching them for long minutes, he runs away. And they see that he has no tails ! | 15min = Some Villagers are preparing for the eve of May Day (timer only starts when they landWalpurigs Night) also called Oie Voaldyn. Fix a wooden cross, bound with sheep's wool, not before) Lots to the inside of Sea Gullstheir front door to ward off malicious fairies, while on the same night the air blowing of horns on Peel Hill is quite humidcalculated to banish evil spirits. Constant Gull noisesThey also place wax and herbs on their threshold of houses to “ward off witches occult”. They Twigs of rue are shocked by how deserted stuck in most of the island cattle and sheep. Some tallow (suif) or oats (avoine) is, there are basically no towns shaken over the cattle as well. | 30min = They put twigs of rue on cattle to protect on may eve and shake tallow or villagesoats over sheep. They also prepare large fires. They receive hear someone praying in a scallop shell / “coquille saint jaques” very scared voice. Peace of God and peace of man, Peace of God on their head (dropped by Columb-Killey, On each window and each door, On every hole admitting moonlight, On the four corners of the house, On the gulls)place of my rest,
| 15min = Some peasants come to them and give them pagan offerings, including some wheat Wreaths. They then start begging them to leave. They try to do a christian prayer but they get it all wrongAnd peace of God on myself.
| 30min 45min = They see a little altart with the carving of the face of an old man, below it is written “the King”are really surprised how some farms are doing exceptionally fine and just nearby some farms are openly rotting. In front of itSurprisingly, lots of offerings of grass “green rushes”. And there’s a prayer in a little scroll “Manannan Mac y Leirr Little Manannan son of the Sea who blessed our island, bless us and our boat going out well, coming in better rotting ones have much more crosses with living and dead in our boat” One of the offerings is a weird little pendant that looks like dozens or tiny teeth put as a pendant a “Crosh bollan”| 45min = There’s a horse walking towards them. On his side is written in French “Run away now ! Leave the island now !”. There’s a bunch of decapitated rabbit corpses attached to the horse looking almost like a saddlesheep’s wool.
| 60min = In Peel CastleOne of the villagers is caught for being a witch, they find the villagers will collect some dust off her feets, as a guard completely terrified. (he saw the Moddey Dhoo) he is unable to speak and completely shockedmean of protection.
| 75min = They see (if they are still outside) The soldiers find them and chase them until they enter the castle. Arrows are shot and half of the city council holding a meeting outsideplayers are Wounded. / (inside the castle) They don’t let them approach, but they hear loud complaints realise that Castle Rushen the castle is not accessible so incredibly humid. Even though it’s undignified that they have to meet herebrand new, there’s some water rushing on some walls.
| 90min = Attack (inside the caste) the floor caves in under half of Thomas Holland’s men triggers a massive meleethe players because it’s rotten. Two players get stabbed They are all wounded, but they fall in the process and are Wounded. Moving on to next sequenceroom with the princess.
=Part 2 The Banshee of Castle Rushen=
- '''Normal : Z_Normal-Cathédrale Silencieuse'''
‘’’Action : Take her away from her bed and wash her, then do a proper exorcism’’’
{{Ambiance Track
| 5min = There’s a wonderful cat looking at them intesely and meowing very loud. After watching them for long minutes, he runs away. And they see that he has no tails !
| 15min = Some Villagers are preparing for the eve of May Day (Walpurigs Night) also called Oie Voaldyn. Fix a wooden cross, bound with sheep's wool, to the inside of their front door to ward off malicious fairies, while on the same night the blowing of horns on Peel Hill is calculated to banish evil spirits. They also place wax and herbs on their threshold of houses to “ward off witches occult”. Twigs of rue are stuck in most of the cattle and sheep. Some tallow (suif) or oats (avoine) is shaken over the cattle as well.
| 30min = They put twigs of rue on cattle to protect on may eve and shake tallow or oats over sheep. They also prepare large fires. They hear someone praying in a very scared voice.
Peace of God and peace of man,
Peace of God on Columb-Killey,
On each window and each door,
On every hole admitting moonlight,
On the four corners of the house,
On the place of my rest,
And peace of God on myself.
| 45min = They are really surprised how some farms are doing exceptionally fine and just nearby some farms are openly rotting. Surprisingly, the rotting ones have much more crosses with sheep’s wool.
| 60min = One of the villagers is caught for being a witch, the villagers will collect some dust off her feets, as a mean of protection.
| 75min = (if they are still outside) The soldiers find them and chase them until they enter the castle. Arrows are shot and half of the players are Wounded. / (inside the castle) They realise that the castle is incredibly humid. Even though it’s brand new, there’s some water rushing on some walls.
| 90min = (inside the caste) the floor caves in under half of the players because it’s rotten. They are all wounded, but they fall in the room with the princess.
=Part 3 The Night of the Witch=

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