→Part 4 The appointment
==Ambiance Track==
===Before they drink the wine===
*'''Before they drink the wine Music : Z_Normal-Bruit-Noir'''
===In the streets===
*'''After they drink the wine, before they find the central place Music : Z_Flippan-Dark World'''
*15min - '''Resist song : One roll''' There's a flash of light, and they see a skeleton with a dark hood hugging the player who has the squeletal coin. *30min - '''Resist song : One roll'''*30min - Some withered flower petals fall. Flower that means death. They can hear clearly someone playing Psaltery.'''Resist song : One roll''' '''Overlay music (on top of other music) : Prince of Darkness'''*45min - '''Resist song : One roll''' If they haven't found the central place yet. '''Resist song : One roll''' '''Overlay music (on top of other music) : Behelith''' They see the a skeletal women dancing with withered flowers in her hairs. It's '''Evelyne'''. They can follow her to the central place.
===Central Place===
*'''Music : Z_Baston-Skeleton Dance'''*5min - '''Resist song : One roll''' A black rain starts pouring.*10min - '''Resist song : One roll''' Some dancers crawl to them and grab their feets.*15min - '''Resist song : One roll''' '''Resist song : One roll''' the town starts burning black flames. (the town burns IRL also)*20min - '''Resist song : One roll''' '''Resist song : One roll''' the sun is rising, but it's an eclipse sun. They feel it's rays are painful.*25min - All the players dance.
==Scenario Track==
Except those with the Courage feat.
They have to do something like cover their ears or anything relevant or it's an auto fail.
Roll die 6. 1 or 2 = Fail
First fail : Get the Drowsy feat
Second fail : They lose control and dance
But some strangers are here and he doesn't want or need to harm the strangers. So please stranger. Go away.
Action : One of the dancers mimics a violin. When they kill him, Oldaric appears in his true form.
If they defeated him :
Whent hey wake up, they have some vomit at the mouth and they're in the town center. Oldaric is dead. but he's an actual guy, not a skeleton. His skin is soaked though. And he has a skeletal psaltery.
(part of the village may have burned, if they reached the black rain part)
If they all dance :
When they wake up, they are in a monastery. They have been dancing for a week, but the inquisition found them. The town is wiped out. They don't gain the Psaltery.