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Danse Macabre Part 3

9 bytes added, 12:02, 25 August 2018
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70 soldiers, 30 Bows, 1 Cavaliers (the captain) plus 1 Knight in armor (the Castellan) vs 350 peasants, 50 bows
*==Step 1 : Preparations, ==Timer : 15 min
'''Music : Latharne la Silencieuse'''
Peasant side :
*==Step 2 : The two armies are facing each others, constant flux or arrows ==Timer : 15 min
'''Music : Z_Baston-Le diable est dans la boite'''
Peasant side :
*==Step 3 : Charge of the soldiers, ==Timer : 15 min
'''Music : Z_Baston-Tourmaline Brule'''
The cavaliers disperce the archers. The line of soldiers well organised lance/shied+mace charge the peasants.
There a guy who fell on the floor, he's stamped by the troops and cries.
*==Step 4 : Siege weapon attack, ==Timer : 15 min
'''Music : Z_Epique-Babel'''
The peasants start to drive the soldiers back. They regroup next to the Siege weapon that was concealed in a nearby forest. So the soldiers decide to destroy the store hours to punish them or lead them to yield.

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