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Danse Macabre Part 7

129 bytes removed, 21:15, 19 September 2021
They see in the background that the bridge tower fell to the enemy. Lots of people taken hostage including the Connétable of France.
On the way, they see a huge knight in blood group of people with red capes that have a weird shade. It's not the same shade as English red , it's different and black armor ("The Devil"). He has a gauntlet with a big spikeweird.
'''Music when They do something strange, they see it : Hail This Nightmare - BloodBorne''takes a lot of prisoners then lock them in a mobile cage. It doesn' t make sense to take commoners with you.
He grabs a priosoner by the neck and pull him up with one hand.Then with his other he plunges the spike in his throat. And shower in blood. He has a His coat of arm is very weird creststrange also. Red with a golden bar in the middle and three frogs on You don't see it.It is very strange because well, but it doesn't follow seem like it follows the rules or of heraldry.He has golden spurs which is a clear sign that he is a knight.
A little group of genovese archers are remaining in a corner, they pushed back waves and waves of troops.

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