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Danse Macabre Part 7

914 bytes removed, 18:01, 19 September 2021
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Expressions de l'époque :
par les trois rois, par mon épée, par la croix, par les os de mes dix doigts, par ma garde, parbleu, sur mon ame, par ma foi
couper les doigts des archers
Sentiment d'etrangete, par quel force est-ce que autant de gens ont fait un si long voyage pour être la ?
Il faut chaud sous une armure.
Gorge sèche.
Pain imbibé de vin et d'huile d'olive ?
Montrer plus la bannière du diable.
Arc, abralette et fronde. A l'épée quand ils n'ont plus de flèches.
Plus de moibes guerriers sur le champ de bataille. Prière quand ils tuent des gens.
Eperon d'or pour signifier le grade de chevalier.
Les Ecuyers protègent les chevaliers.
Roger Moulinette (black hair, a small beard but he is super super tall and wears some plates he has a sword and a shield) : I have found a family. At last. I have found a home.
Adrien Reichtfield (long hair wearing a chainmail with a spear): Parbleu. It used to be the nobles who protect the poor, now it's the poor who protect the nobles. So we might as well get paid for it.
Evans (short hair, sword and shield, he has a green cape with a Vouivre embroided on it): Taxes are crushing the people, that's true.
Flavio (black cothes, has a Falconry gauntlet) plays with his bird.
Artème (long blond hairs massive smile): Par ma foi. It does not matter, whichever they pick, enemy bandits always run in front of my greatness !
Eric (bald with blue eyes and a very cunning look, he is very well mannered, probably a noble background) : Don't speak too fast my dear Artème, it is said that the famous English knight John Chandos will be in front of us. It might be a bit more than a small raid like everyone is saying.
26 Juin 1346. Caen
Cela fait maintenant plusieurs semaines que nous suivons le Connétable de France lui meme depuis la Gascogne. Il a embauché nos services contre forte récompense.Sur mon ame nous ne le décevrons pas !
Nous nous préparons à intercepter les troupes ennemies pour défendre l'isle Saint-Jean.
Notre première vrai bataille !
26 June 1346. Caen
It's been several weeks now that we follow the Constable of France himself from Gascony. He has hired our services for a large reward.Sur mon ame we will not disappoint him !
We are preparing to intercept the enemy troops to defend the isle Saint-Jean.
Our first real battle !
The army in front is massive. 15 000 people with banners from all over England, including the King himself.
How is it simply possible that so many people are so far from their home ? It is an entire city on the march.
The English soldiers rush mindlessly on the bridge, footmen rush on the bridge.
Arrows, bolts and rocks send by slings start flying.
===Crisis : Save your friend===
They see a group of knights in green and white who scream something in Latin "Custodes ! Flamae Sanctae" then charge the line of English soldiers.
There's a knight hospitaller in the French side, he kills people and then shouts prayers for their souls.
Archers and spearmen are in the mud of the river trying to go around. They seize some ships and go through the river.
They feel their throat is very very dry because it is super super hot under the armor, they are drenched in sweat.
One of the soldiers opens a jar in the tower with bread soaked in wine and olive oil. He takes a portion of it then goes back to fight.
They notice that the walls litterally crumbled in spite of last minute repairs with furnitures.
They see in the background that the bridge tower fell to the enemy. Lots of people taken hostage including the Connétable of France.
On the way, they see a huge knight in blood red and black armor ("The Devil"). He has a gauntlet with a big spike. He grabs a priosoner by the neck and pull him up. And shower in it. He has a very weird crest. He has golden spurs which is a clear sign that he is a knight.
A little group of genovese archers are remaining in a corner, they pushed back waves and waves of troops.
They are full of bruises because the English use lots of slings on them.
===Choice : They start to put ladder in the castle walls===
====Choice 1 Crisis : Retreat to the dungeon=A Welsh Monster===Lose 0 mercenaries and 0 iconicOne of the English soldiers managed to enter the castle. He locked himself in a tower.Tons of French corpses around the entrance of the tower, nobody wants to go there. Inside it is a massive ginger Welsh soldier."Dewch! Dewch yn fwy!"
====Choice 2 : Push back '''Combat (duel) or just burn the ladder====Lose 0 mercenaries and 0 iconicbuilding.or do nothing'''
====Choice 3 Reward : Attack the people on the ladder====Lose 2 mercenaries and 1 iconicThey gain 5 soldiers.
==Slaghters in the streets of Caen : 15 min==
They pass by a mass grave, thousands of corpses thrown in. They never saw so many corpses, huge column of crows and flies.
They see the city burning in the backgroudn as the pillage is going on. Only the castle is still fighting.
Lots of riders run around the city killing anyone trying to leave.
They see attached prisoners being inspected. Some are killed and thrown in the mass grave. Some are inspected by a red hooded figure and brought to a mobile cage. Some are kept for ransom.
In the queue there is an iconic that they lost.
Lots of corpses are found emptied of their blood attached to trees.
?? XX ??XXThey They see "Knight" making Seguin attached to a duel against "The Devil" tree upside down, covered in cuts. There's a weird naked lady with claws and knight clearly loseshorns. Who get near him and slit his throat. Then covers her face in his blood.XX
They put all their efforts into saving their leader, now they lost it ! What should they do ?
They fought in the battle, they should claim their money at least then go on their separate way.
===Choice : How to leave the city safely ?XXXX===
Because riders charge anyone trying to leave and pursue them in the countryside.
And the soldiers massacre people in the city. (half the population)
====Choice 1 : Stay in the cityXXXX====
====Choice 2 : Steal horses and run awayXXX====
====Choice 3 : Dress like EnglishXXX====
==(OPTIONAL) The Liberation of Caen : 15 min (OPTIONAL)==
Optional : This doesn't fit well in the theme of the buildup of tension until Crécy. So to be done only if there's enough time.
XXX : Remove the liberation of Caen !!! Make a buildup until Crécy. Liberation not relevant ?
They finally hide in the Castle of Caen when the English troop left, most of them.
The Bishop greets them. He pays them, and promise them much more gold if they help retarke the city.
Once the english king leaves, soon after Caen is liberated by it's population.
===Crisis : XX===
There's a tower in Caen with tons of corpses, nobody wants to go there.
Other soldiers just refuse to go there.
Inside it is a massive English soldier. (another ally of Edward III instead of an English ???) XXX
'''Combat (duel) or just burn the building. or do nothing'''
Reward : They gain some soldiers and iconics
=Part 2 Charnier at Crécy=
Monseigneur Guillaume Bertrand, évêque de Bayeux a repris la ville.
Il nous a offert forte récompense si nous acceptions de suivre et d'espioner la troupe Anglaise.
Par ma garde, nous aurons une revanche !
Monseigneur Guillaume Bertrand, bishop of Bayeux, has retaken the town.
He has offered us a large reward if we agree to follow and spy on the English troops.
Par ma garde, we will get our revenge !
'''Music : Eternal Darkness - the Cathedral Insanity Ambient Noise then back to Z_Flippant - Dark World'''
"Par la croix, what is this madness ?"
Description so fthe charnier.
Wall of corpses at the bottom of the hill.

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