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Danse Macabre Part 7

1,316 bytes added, 13:47, 12 September 2021
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Send to the players before the game :
  26 July 29 Juillet 1346, Caen (Kindom of Royaume de France)  The English army fills the horizon Depuis 3 jours que la ville est mise à sac, chaque règle de la chevalerie a été bafouée.  Amassed on the Saint-Pierre bridge Dans la sauvagerie, les hommes n'ont plus de nations,  our meager force have little hope of holding them for long ils suivent aveuglément la bannière de gueules à la fasce d'or.  As my eyes gaze at their coloursXXX  XXXX La bannière du Diable.  ⚜️⚜️⚜️💀💀💀
  10 Janvier 1348XX, Avignon (États Pontificaux)
29 July 1346, Caen (Kingdom of France) For three days the city has been sacked, every rule of chivalry has been flouted. In savagery, men have no nations, they blindly follow the banner Gules with a fess Or. The banner of the Devil. ⚜️⚜️⚜️💀💀💀  =Intro - XXThe leather journal=
* Initial situation :
**Date : XX15th of February 1348**Location : XXAvignon As the players arrive in Neuberg, they see the entire region have been devastated by a earthquake. Even up to Rome considerable damage was sustained by the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore, the basilica of Santi Apostoli is in complete rubbles. Damages even up to Pisa and Naples. Entire villages are levelled to the ground. Which makes the road even more difficult. So it took them 21 days to arrive at the abbey. '''Music : XXX''' When they arrive at the abbey. They notice there was a massive landslide that basically crushed the whole village. Everything is covered in a very dense snow. The population fled the village, so all remaining of houses are covered in white. The landslide have unearthed a cave with lots of weird paintings. The paintings are weird white runes, whiter than white. They feel very primitive and appeal to the inner monkey in us.
XXXImpossible to tell if they where made last week or thousands of years ago or both. Or perhaps the design is ancient but the craft in recent. The cave has the perfect shape of an egg.
Dans les restes de lIf there's an Alchemist or '''Knowledge (heresy)''', he will recognise '''Albedo'''abbeye de Neuberg they found a huge white egg cracked.
Armoiries de Satan - Jean de MontgomeryBouclier du chevalierSearching the remains of the monastery, they see a dead monk killed by the collapse of the roof.
oeuvre au Rouge à CalaisHe is a red robe. He has a small journal on him.
Seguin III de Badefol http://espritdepaysThe starts reading
Nom de sa compagnie : La MargotXXX
[[Bone Spaulder]] Armor ? Crest ? Chess Piece ? Permet de revivre mais il faut boire du sang à chaque fois et ça rends cruel.
-Free Companies
-Seguin III de Badefol, La Margot
-Hundred Years War
-The Devil's Crest
==The plague in Calais (present)==
4-Fast forward to today
3th March 1348
The inquisitors travel to Calais as soon as they can.
'''How to find the evil place : some kind of riddle to explain where it is'''

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