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Danse Macabre Part 7

12 bytes added, 12:41, 22 August 2021
Part 1 Caen
===Choice : Where to be placed ?===
====Choice 1 : Be in the tower or the bridge====
Lose X Mercenaries and Y iconic mercenaries.
====Choice 2 : Be on the bridge in the front====
Lose X Mercenaries and Y iconic mercenaries.
====Choice 3 : Be on the bridge in the back====
Lose X Mercenaries and Y iconic mercenaries.
===Choice : The defense is collapsing because they came from behind===
====Choice X : Retreat in the caste of Caen (need to go trough enemy lines)====
====Choice X : Retreat in the tower====
====Choice X : Jump in the river and run====
XX3-Battle on the bridge

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