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Danse Macabre Part 7

1,393 bytes added, 13:27, 5 June 2021
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After a certain time, "Knight" will talk about his dreams.
insister sur la jeunesse de "Knight"
"Knight" proposes to play CHess with the players. (bring an actual chess situation, find the old rules)
mercenaire : l'équipement varie, contrairement à l'armée normale
As they come close, they are spotted by a pagean. '''How to silence him ?'''
In the distance they seen an orgy of druken rape with the devil .The "Devil" is playing chess against "Knight" he looses, so he is killed and so are slaughetred with all his trooptroops.
Nourriture : Paon rôtis avec plumes rajoutés, sanglier rotis
They see thousands of people leaving the city.
As they approach the city, they are getting embushed by rogue soldiers mercenaries who steal the money from the fleeing population.(explain that emrcenaries where often bandits between wars)
They are in a crow and the whole crow is getting robed. '''Either they fight or start a riot or run.'''
The inquisitors travel to Calais as soon as they can.
'''How to find the evil place : some kind of riddle to explain where it is'''
In the streets of calais today, it's the plague, the french are decimated and replaced by the english.
5-Red Hell
In rubedo he opens all the casquets of blood.
Endroit approprié poru un vampire. Palais ? Bain romain ? Eglise ?La villa d'edouard III They arrive a bit too late, there is a huge crowd of people who wake up from an orgy in blood. It is done, rubedo is done.Fight against the zombies. Skirmish. or something smarter ?They only wake up one by one to attack the players. But exponentially. So they have to restrain them rather than kill them?? 6-Boss fightThen Knight emerges, they recognise "knight" by his description but he is seriously wounded. his throat was slit etc... The room is very dark, he appears and attack players then disappear. '''Combat (duel)''' at each of his appearances. '''Action : Open the windows''' He runs to his office. (describe his office) "He says : if you are looking for the Devil, you're a bit too late. I was having a game of chess with him just before you arrived" There's a chessboard in his room. One piece is made of bones, the rest is wood. Now they can '''Combat (monster)''' him. If see and they decide to take the knight chesspiece, it becomes '''Combat (duel)''' only They kill him. But somehow he survives and his mercenary troop too. 

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