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Bouclier du chevalier
Nom de sa compagnie : La Margot
Durant la peste de Calais, Jean de Montgomery est aux commandes de calais et la majorité des Français meurent remplacés par des Anglais.
C'est l'oeuvre au rouge.
Parler des grandes compagnies. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_company
Raise Dead make you come back to life or someone else.
Segin de Baldefol He was born in 1330 in the castle of Badefols, the son of Seguin Gontaut de Badefol and Margaret de Bérail, daughter of Arnaud de Cervole he was given the nickname Chopin Badefol.
Le boiteux : Chopi / Chopin
Puis Philippe VI et sa considérable armée marchent vers l'ouest, arrivent à proximité du plateau, en vue des collines et petites vallées entre Crécy au sud et Wadicourt au nord, par la route basse. Un orage éclate, rendant le terrain glissant.
La population se soulève et avec les soldats du chateau reprennent la ville
Phase 2 : Famine de Calais? Pillage de Caen? Charnier de Crécy
Phase 3 : Dans les rues de Calais
| 90min = XX
Flashback, they play the companions of "Knight" defending Caen
1-The players are soldiers in the French army stationed in Caen they are stationed at the gate
2-Battle on the bridge
3-The gate ?
They run away on horse.
4-Slaughters in the streets of Caen
5-Charniers and weird orgies by some mercenaries
Lots of corpses are found emptied of their blood attached to trees.
During the Orgy "Knight" is killed and so are his troop.
Fun fact :
-Il sonne la retraite
Une troupe d'archers munis d'arc long anglais et des lanciers gallois pataugèrent dans l'eau de la rivière à demi asséchée par l'été, alors que d'autres soldats s'emparèrent de bateaux qui avaient été oubliés par la défense de la ville lors du redéploiement précipité de ses troupes.
-des officiers français s'enfuient et vont au chateau proche
-Edouard III se receuille devant la tombe de Guillaume le conquérant
-At this time it was larger than any English town other than London
-places where the walls had crumbled, in spite of last-minute repairs and improvisations
-as well as killing approximately half the town's populatio ???
-the remainder fled into the countryside, pursued by cavalry.
- There was also an orgy of drunken rape
-Le connétable sera éxécuté à son retour
=Part 2 Starvation of calaisCharnier at Crécy=
* '''Normal : XX'''
| 90min = XX
1-Liberation of Caen
Once Caen is liberated, they try going north to Calais on the way they see the charnier of Crécy
2-Road north
How to prevent Dysentry ?
How not to starve because all villages are pillaged ?
3-How to cross the Seine ?
4-The charnier of Crécy
weird death, like vampire.
Weird ritual sacrifices.
The player have to investigate.
Charnier de Crécy Lots of corpses are found emptied of their blood attached to trees. Not just French, English tooIt's a band of mercenaries that did it "KnightLa Margot" is arrested and executed They have to investigate ?? Something to do with the Charnier ? 5-Avoid an ambush ?? They try to join the army at Calais. The english are preparing the siege, so that's ok.Alternatively they can pass by boat
Fun fact :the oriflamme, indicating that no prisoners would be takenJean Ier de Luxembourg, aveugle, qui charge entouré de ses gens sur son cheval lié par la bride à ceux de sa maisonla pluie abime les cordes en cheveux / en cuir ?.French knights tipped with iron and approximately 4 metres (13 ft) longpits dug by the EnglishWounded horses fled across the hillside in panic =Part 3 RubedoIn the guts of Calais=
* '''Normal : XX'''
Calais now belongs to is starving, step by step they find the English hideout of th vampire.The pope envoys They are welcomed by the English commander who wants them caught and they die there. 1-They find some corpses emptied of blood.They have to investigate.Most of Fun fact :acculés par la famine aux dernières extrémités, obligés de manger les animaux les plus infâmes, des ordures ou des cuirs bouillis6. puis décida de bloquer l’entrée du chenal avec des obstacles de toute nature (notamment en y faisant couler des bateaux et des charrues)Bourgeois de calaisapprovisionnements par mer principalement menés par le corsaire Jean Marant et la flotte génoise. =Part 4=Fast forward to todayThe inquisitors are in the plague ridden calais and they find the last messages from those soldiers or the town is empty with some English, but there's still a French quartierlast remaining survivor.And they decide to enter the guts of calaisThey find "Knight" is now a mercenary working who was harvesting blood for the English Rubedo.In rubedo he is slaughtering people in opens all the french quartiercasquets of blood.The plague is rampant too.The entire quartier dies
Endroit approprié poru un vampire. Palais ? Bain romain ?