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Danse Macabre Part 6

123 bytes added, 11:27, 14 February 2021
Part 3 The Labyrinth of Paper
They see a Pope walking among the archives.
Behind the gate is a madmancrawled in a corner.
"I was saw him ! I saw was the Pope ! John XXII, he it was right him ! He isn't dead ..he..was obsessed with Death. His whole life he.. he.. As if he knew something ! He As if he had made a deal !"
"Je l'ai vu ! Le C..c..c'était le Pape ! C'était Jean XXII, il avait raison ! Il n..Il.. était obsédé par la mort. Toute sa vie... Il... Comme s'est pas mort il savait quelquechose ! Il a fait Comme s'il avait conclu un pacte marché !"
He when through a gate which is locked (actually he has the key, made a copy of it)
"Antichrist, Antichrist, Antichrist, Antichrist, Antichrist"
They see the sevred head of "Ange Clareno" one of the Fratricelli (they accused John XXII to be the antichrist)
They could swear they saw it talk.
They see him go through a bookshelf, actally realise that behind the shelf there's a secret passagewalled section.
Inside the Archives, Jean XXII had walled a section. e.g. there's no way to reach it unless you know the right secret passage. It's a narrow passage between two shelves.
"I absolved countless TemplarsThe book shelfs get closer and closer and there's an army of hands with chainmail, yet it is one of theirs who condemned my soul."and skeleton templars (he Disguised people as skeleton templars)
"J'ai absous d'innombrables Templiers, pourtant c'est lAction : Some smart way to pass through for each players or they get Wounded'''un des leurs qui a condamné mon âme."
The book shelfs get closer and closer and there's an army of hands with chainmail (he Disguised people as templars)==Alchemy==
There'''Action : Some smart way to pass through for each players or they get Wounded'''s a huge Alchemy Lab inside the hidden part of the archives with all the books he confiscated. Proof that the pope was also an alchemist.
==Witchcraft==Lots of books and scrolls that he wrote.
"I deflected so many spellsThere are tons of tiny wires attached to lots of vials, defused so many plots. Alas, all but if they touch the last one. In the endwires, he won. He always winsome acid or burning or poisonous vials fall on them."
"J'ai brisé tant de sortsEye for Detail" allow safe passage, défais tant d'intriguessame for "Clarivoyance" or "Reflexes" but they can at most help one person pass through. Hélas, toutes sauf la dernière. A la fin, il a gagné. Il gagne toujours."
Someone disguised as Alternatively, they can throw a demon appearschair through the wires, he has a long flaming sword made of chicken bonesbut then the fumes are very numerous, so everyone is poisoned (Immune or "Wounded")
'''Action : unless Combat (monster) need some smart way to take him down'''==Witchcraft==
==Alchemy==As they progress through the secret section, they see Pope John XXII in the distance waiving a scroll.
"The Fratricelli were right. Greed became my downfall. My obsession for A huge demon appears before them, with fiery wings and a fiery sword and the philosopher's stone attracted the wrong attention. When I realised who this Alchemist was, it was too late. I have been chasing him ever since. And in death, he found meburning skull of deer."
"Les Fratricelli avaient raison. LAnyone without 'avidité a causé ma perte. Mon obsession pour la pierre philosophale a attiré l'attention de la mauvaise personne. Quand j'ai réalisé qui était cet Alchimiste, il était trop tard. Depuis, je nCourage'ai eu de cesse de le pourchasser. Et après ma mort, c'est lui qui m'has to roll a trouvédie 6 each turn."Unless 5 or 6 they run away. (once they run away, they can re-roll each turn to come back)
There's It is actually someone disguised as a huge Alchemy Lab inside the hidden part demon, his sword is made of the archives with all the books he confiscated. Proof that the pope was also an alchemisthundreds of chicken bones and his armor made of raw leather.
There are tons of tiny wires attached '''Action : unless Combat (monster) need some smart way to lots of vials, if they touch the wires, some acid or burning or poisonous vials fall on them. "Eye for Detail" allow safe passage, same for "Clarivoyance" or "Reflexes" but they can at most help one person pass through.take him down'''
Sooner or later, you will dance.
Think on what you will do then.
I fought death my whole life, but she won the last battle.
She always win.
My torment is over,
Free me, I beg you"
Quoique cela tarde, que vous danserez.
Réfléchissez à ce que vous ferez alors.
J'ai combattu la mort toute ma vie, mais elle a gagné la dernière bataille.
Elle gagne toujours.
Ma peine se termine,
Je vous prie, libérez moi."

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