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Danse Macabre Part 6

74 bytes added, 13:50, 16 January 2021
Part 3 The Labyrinth of Paper
Mais la Mort vient me quérir comme tous les autres."
They see a HUGE scroll with written on it : "The Trial of the Templars". Next to it they see a pendent with Nail a huge dog teeth, relic of "Saint DismasChristopher"'s cross a Relic lost to mankind, because St Dismas was Christopher is a thief who helped Christman dog and he church doesn' accept that. They can take it if they want. (but then the player needs to take the Feat "Relic" and Prowess "Daring EscapeEnrage (self)" or "PickpocketTracker")
| 30min = They hear the crying voice of the Pope.
They hear a voice which is not Human, sounds like someone talking backwards.
"I have always known this and I have suffered for it,

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