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Danse Macabre Part 6

855 bytes added, 07:39, 31 December 2020
Part 3 Archivum Secretum Apostolicum Avenionensium
=Part 3 2 Archivum Secretum Apostolicum Avenionensium=
* '''Normal : Z_Normal-Cathédrale Silencieuse'''
{{Ambiance Track
| 5min = They receive a letter for Guy A grand mass is organised to honour Cardinal Elie de ChaulliacNabinal. The bells ring three times three strokes to announce his death.'''Music : Epique désespéré 10 - Requiem, K.626, he Lacrimosa (Mournful Day)'''There's a grand procession. The grand room is critically ill lit with candles and begs them to leaveincense. The messenger They can either attend or search the palace (until the music is coughing and stumblesfinished).During this time the archives are closed, but most other rooms are open. The librarian informs them that he found If they search the room of the Cardinal (which is also the room of his valet) they find :Below the bed there's a Book "Ars Magna by Ramon LLul" inside it there is a letter from Pope XXII to Gasbert de Valle congratulating him for the construction of the palace of the Popes.It is disturbing because Ramon LLul is very controvertial, in between alchemy and witchcraft. In the chimney there are lots of letters who were burned. Only few words are sill readable : "Returned". "Soul". "Sin" And "Your Illustrious Lordship's most faithful servant, Elie Cardinal de Nabinal". "Le plus fidèle serviteur de Votre Illustre Seigneurie, Elie Cardinal de Nabinal"(this is an address that you give to a pope as a cardinal, nobody else) | 10min = Alchemy books disappeared : Liber de compositione alchimiae, De investigatione perfectionis (Geber), De mineralibus (Albart Magnus), Opus maius (Roger Bacon), The book of Abraham the Jew, Ars Magna by Ramon LLul. It is disturbing because Ramon LLul is very controvertial, in between alchemy and witchcraft.| 15min = Alchemy : Some books disappeared : L’élixir des philosophes and L'art transmutatoire. Nobody knew those books were here ! Except the pope himself and the librarian. Also, the rumours says that it was John XXII who wrote "L’élixir des philosophes" and "L'art transmutatoire". The librarian explains that for some reason, the pope seemed passionate about alchemy, and at some point in his life he made a bull to ban alchemy ! Very strange. They receive a letter for Guy de Chaulliac, he is critically ill and begs them to leave.
| 20min = Templar books disappeared : Accounting books taken from some Templar commanderies
| 25min = Templar books disappeared : Liber Consolamenti : Secret rule of the Templars.

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