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Danse Macabre Part 6

214 bytes added, 11:43, 5 December 2020
Part 2 Archivum Secretum Apostolicum Avenionensium
| 40min = Witchcraft and Jewish Magic books disappeared : Liber Semamphoras. He informs the players that he saw someone sleep on the grave of John XXII, but he ran away.
| 45min = Witchcraft and Jewish Magic books disappeared : Sepher ha-Razim, The Sword of Moses. The Librarian explains that the pope was targeted several times by sorcerers and he is the first one to decrete witchcraft as being heretical. But at the same time he collected books about magic !
| 50min =Heresy and Death books disappeared : Summa sacre magice Book about summoning the devil| 55min =Heresy and Death books disappeared : Ars Notoria about summoning the devil| 60min = Heresy and Death : Some books disappeared : Liber Juratus Honorii (Sworn Book of Honorius)a Necromancy Grimoire, Ars Notoria, Summa sacre magice lots of letters about the Beatific vision. All those books are about summoning the devil or summoning death herself. The librarian explains that Pope XXII in his late life had a very strange theory about Death, for which he was criticez as being a heretic. In his point of view, people don't go to heaven just after death. First they are just in the embrace of death. He was called the heretic pope several times.
| 75min = Gold, the Fratichelli and the antichrist : All documents about the Fratichelli trials disappeared. The Librarian explains that the pope was in favour of the church being rich which opposed him to the Franciscan Fratichelli, and he was called overtly as being the antichrist. And for some reason he became insanely rich, much richer than a pope should be at some point in his life.
| 90min = Four Assassins attack them (like in Part 1) and one of them run to the archives where they see the next scene.
Some documents were stolen in the secret archives ! This is unacceptable ! A Cardinal died in strange circumstances, this is very strange too !
The players have to protect the archives the best they can.

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