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Danse Macabre Part 6

1,580 bytes added, 10:36, 8 November 2020
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*Books from Jabir Hayyan
*Le livre d'abraham le juif (livre donné à Nicolas Flamel)
AMbiance :
XX Witchcraft attempts two poopes ago, clay figure hidden ini bread.
*D'un autre côté, deux traités d'alchimie sont attribués à Jean XXII : L’élixir des philosophes42 et L'art transmutatoire43,44
XX Witchcraft attempts two poopes agoJean XXII banned alchemy IL ETAIT AMIS DE GASBERT DE VALLE !!!!!! FRATICELLI / ARGENT De la sorte, clay figure hidden ini breadspirituels et fraticelles les proclament saints et martyrs.Et dans leurs prêches, ils traitent ouvertement le pape d'Antéchrist et de monstre dévorant JUIFS Sorcières, sorcellerie  le pape hérétique Alchimie
Ne pas oublier. Le pouvoir de la bague c'est la nécromancie !
Donc il sait des choses de gens qui sont morts y compris depuis longtemps.
Il connaît les passages secrets des gens qu'ils tue et leurs mots de passes.
Il connait des livres que personne ne sait sont là. Car il a interrogé les deux précédents papes.
L'emplacement de trésors, des secrets de famille (que quelqu'un n'est pas noble ou autres )
Donc il peut faire pression sur des gens.Someone was seen sleeping on the grave of Jean XXII  
Il va essayer de discréditer les joueurs, les faire assassiner, les envoyer en mission ailleurs.
Les joueurs sont assaillis par ce qu'ils pensent être le fantome de Jean XXII, le pape alchimiste.
était un pape pas ordinaire.
IL était alchimiste, il soutenait les templiers, il savait quelquechose sur la mort c'était un amis de gasbert de valle, il aimais l'argent, il détestait les sorciers et as été victime de sorcellerie.
Il a combattu l'alchimiste "le pape" et en est mort.
Au début il a embauché "l'alchimiste" sur conseil de Gasbert de valle pour créer de l'or, "l'lachimiste" lui a fait rencontrer la mort, et depuis il n'a eu de cesse de le combattre par tous les moyens tout en essayant d'achever son oeuvre alchimique.
D'où le banisserment des alchimistes, d'où le banissement des sorciers, d'où les cadeaux au templiers (en échange qu'ils n'aident plus l'aclhimiste)
Un bibliotécaire approte aux joueurs des éléments un à un ?
* Explanations :
Tancrède le Bon, The Valet of Cardinal Élie de Nabinal is "the cardinal"
His ring allows him to use Necromancy on the grave of Jean XXII.
He uses this power for two things : First he need to steal the right books and send them to the alchemist "the pope" who is right now in Austrial.
And he uses this power to try to get rid of the players.
Either they use a skill right now, or they have to prove their innocence.
After he the audience, the cardinal looks terrified.
==Reasoning with the cardinal==
They can try to use this as leverage against him, in which case he will simply withdraw his accusation. But it’s not a strong enough leverage to have him talk.
They have to find a way, any way to obtain this information. For example they can ask his valetTancrède le Bon , even though it will be tricky because he doesn't want to talk to themand he will lie, saying that indeed he was in Marseille, but his lies are not convincing, so they understand that he indeed wasn't in Marseille. Tancrède le Bon is "the cardinal" of course he won't carry the ring on his hand most of the time, but he isn't a Trickster, so players will see that he lies and hides stuff, but they do'nt have the power to kill or imprison him (because he is protected by his cardinal) Or they can ask his scribe who will say that indeed he wasn't in Marseille.
Once they confront him with this truth, he will withdraw his accusation.
Then his valet Tancrède le Bon will come to them and explain that he is haunted by a very powerful ghost. He says he saw this card on his table one morning.
==The dead pope==
A card with a skeleton pope on it and one sentence : Remember Narbonne ? Carcassonne ?. (Jean XXII was part of a big inquisition trial against Fraticelli in Narbonne (carcasonne too) Carcasonne and he knew things about Élie de Nabinal that he use as blackmail. Elie de Nabinal was promoted by John XII because of his fight against Fraticelli)
The valet Tancrède le Bon doesn't know what this meansand try to avoid the discussion.
Any player with Knowledge (heresy) will know what it means.
Otherwise they have to search the past of Elie de Nabinal where they see that Jean XXII gave him the title of "Master" in 1331 because of his fight against Fraticelli in NarbonneCarcasonne.
If they ask to check the records from that trial. They are told that the records disappeared.
Some documents were stolen in the secret archives ! This is unacceptable !
Non only the archives of this inquisitorial trial, but also all his bull condemning alchemy.
The players have to protect the archives the best they can.
The librarian gives a key that depends on the section.
Most books are chained, so when a chain is broken they know a book have been stolen. Then the librarian knows the names sometimes, sometimes he doesn't.
Action : Lock the most sensitive books / books about alchemy somewhere else. Not possible, too many of them.
-> Books missing. One of the locks have been broken.
No suspicious names in the list of people.
(the name of the valet of the cardinal is in the list but it's normal because the cardinal asked him to go archive some documents, also he goes throuogh the secret passage, so his name doesn't appear too many times)
Action : Search everyone leaving the archive
He doesn't resist, they can kill him, he drunk poison anyway.
FRATICELLI / ARGENT De la sorte, spirituels et fraticelles les proclament saints et martyrs. Et dans leurs prêches, ils traitent ouvertement le pape d'Antéchrist et de monstre dévorant
Sorcières, sorcellerie et hérésie
Phase 3Ambiance
Le dédale des archives.
Le parchemin des templiers.
Une personne est dans les archives.
Un feu se déclare ils doivent l'éteindre
Un cadavre de monstre bizarre
Une section sur les parties interdites de la Bible

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