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Danse Macabre Part 6

451 bytes added, 11:56, 7 November 2020
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They found a secret passage that leads to the archives that's where he was held !
That's when they hear someone running.all the otrches are blown
Phase 2 Protéger les archives
They hear something being knocked over and turn around, they see the skeleon of Jean XXII walking by in the archives. (it's just "the cardinal" dressing as Jean XXII)a voice which is not Human
"AAAAAAAAA something about life and death)
They see the skeleon of Jean XXII walking by in the archives. (it's just "the cardinal" Disguised as Jean XXII)
He when through a gate which is locked (actually he has the key, made a copy of it)
Action : Lockpicking or some strength feats
"BBBBBBB something about burning heretics"
A torch was knocked over and start to burn books. They have to exinguish the fire !
Action : Unless thye have a better idea, the only thing they can do is isolate the fire from other books. using a cover of hitting the flame of peeing on it or whatever won't work. But for example is they have "Well Prepared" they have enough water on them. They don't have time to go fetch water or watever.
"CCCCCC" They arrive at see him go through a gatebookshelf, the person just locked it behind him (he made a copy of the key actaully there's a while back)secret passage.
Inside the Archives, Jean XXII had walled a section. e.g. there's no way to reach it unless you know the right secret passage. It's a narrow passage between two shelves. There's a statue of him on a columnAciotn :  "DDDDDD something about templars" The book shelfs get closer and closer and there's an army of hands with chainmail (he Disguised people as templars)Action : Lockpick ; Some smart way to pass through for each players or some kind of brute force.they get stabbed "EEEEEE soemthing about satan/pageans" Someone disgusied as a demaon
Behind there is an army of
Phase 3
Reliques connues et autres choses que l'ont sait être dans les archives du Vatican
Inside the Archives, Jean XXII had walled a section. e.g. there's no way to reach it unless you know the right secret passage. It's a narrow passage between two shelves.
A la fin du scénario, des pigeons voyageurs ont été envoyes dans un monastère au friull ou près du Frioul pour que la coïncidence ne soit pas trop forte.

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