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Danse Macabre Part 6

2,502 bytes added, 10:34, 7 November 2020
Part 2 Archivum Secretum Apostolicum Avenionensium
| 90min =
Some documents were stolen in the secret archives ! This is unacceptable !
Non only the archives of this inquisitorial trial, but also all his bull condemning alchemy.
The players have to protect the archives the best they can.
Some books are in a log, but the vast majority arent. Way too many books to transfer out of avignon.
Also the pope doesn't want too much noise about it.
They cannot condemn the access, because the pope has to send some new books or bulls or letters regularly.
Like everyone else, they can request access but they have to say exactly what they want to read.
Security system : There are guards fulltime by the door, just one entrance.
There's a librarian. To get a book, you need some kind of written authorisation and a password.
THis password changes every week and depends on the sections (same system since Jean XXII). Very few people know the system.
The librarian gives a key that depends on the section.
Action : with the dust they manage to see which books are being stolen.
Action : Lock the most sensitive books / books about alchemy somewhere else. Not possible, too many of them.
Action : Ask the Librarian to make a list of all the people he let in in the past month. He say he will need some time.
Then he dies of the plague before he is finished.
Action : Ask to simply shut down the archives : The pope refuses, it's impossible.
Action : Change the password system.
->He will get a very "low security" password and still access the best books by picking/breaking locks.
Action : Let one of the players guard the entrance and ask for the librarian to write the names of people goign to the archives.
-> Books missing. One of the locks have been broken.
No suspicious names in the list of people.
Action : Search everyone leaving the archive
-> It's actually useless because he hides the books in an alcove and will unload all of them in one night through the window.
Action that works :
Action : Ask one guard to follow each person in the archives and check the name match guard x person
Action : People need to ask for a document and only the librarian go fetch it then record it.
->Books still disappear, it's proof that there's another access, secret passage.
How to find the secret passage ?
There's dust on the ground, but not nearly enough.
Action : If they try to study the plans of the floor, there's no chance to find it. Because no precise plan exist.
Action : Tracker can work.
Action : Anything that makes sense is ok
Action :
Phase 2 Protéger les archives
au final il est entré par un passage secret. Dont personne ne connaissais l'existence.
une des clefs est en possession du pape lui meme et biensur la pierre n’a pas d’effet sur lui.
=Part 3 XXXX=

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