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Danse Macabre Part 6

1,605 bytes added, 09:48, 10 October 2020
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The Pope is supportive, but he still deserves an explanation.
He summons the player and the Cardinal, but the cardinal is found dead. Which makes the players even more suspecthe amuses them.
Books in the Secret Archives ?? :
The 11th of January, they are summoned by the pope.
Cardinal Élie de Nabinal accuse them of the murder of Agoust Louis des Beaux in cooperation with Hugues des Beaux and asking that they are excommunicated.He says he was there is excommunicatedthe church where they killed him.
They feel that when he talks, he is super uncomfortable.
Either using a skill, or using proof.
What proof do they have ?
FIND AN IDEA OF PROOFCardinal de Nabinal wasn’t even in Marseilles at the time. But right now they can’t prove it. Either they use a skill right now, or they have to prove their innocence.
After he audience, the cardinal looks terrified.
==Reasoning with the cardinal==
Either they go to the cardinal by themselves, or he sends them a letter.
 He explains that he had no choicebut doesn’t say anything more, their goal is to find leverage on him and/or prove their innocence‘’’Prove their innocence : either they use a skill, or they find that he was not in Marseilles, but in Aix en Provence preparing the arrival or the Queen Jeanne. The proof, they have a signed document by the barons of Provence who say they will greet her.’’' They can try to use this as leverage against him, in which case he will simply withdraw his accusation. But it’s not a strong enough leverage to have him talk. Either they use a skill to have him talk or they have to find leverage. If they follow him, they see he regularly puts money in a box / in a statue / in some place cool. Of course the players wait there couple of nights to see who come pick it up. A soldier come pick it up. He doesn’t know anything, he is just paid to do that. He has a different meeting place each time. He just finds a paper on him, he never know who give it to him.  He pretends that he doesn’t know where the next meeting is supposed to be. Actually he does. If the players use any skills on him, he will reveal that he has to put the money inside the coffin of Benoît XII each time. And it’s not a different meeting point. If they have no skills, he will just pretend he doesn’t know. What he does say though, it that he showed a card to the cardinal and that’s what made him to cooperative. ==The dead pope== HOW DO THEY GET THE CARD TO SHOW TO THE CARDINAL ? After a long conversation. He received a card with a skeleton pope on it and one sentence : Remember Carcassonne. (Benoît XII was par of a big inquisition trial in Carcassonne and he knew things about Élie de Nabinal that he used as blackmail.)
==Assasination attempt==
Fight in the night.
Élie de Nabinal is assassinated on that night. He dies of the plague.  XOne of the pope's troop lock them and shoot arrows through the door.XHe seems terrified, they have to convince him to stop.XWhen (The players can’t prove he is caught, he talks. He says his wife that he thought had died. Asked him to do it.XThe letters he received have details that nobody could have known. But the players do find her in her grave?was assassinated)
Donc il sait des choses de gens qui sont morts y compris depuis longtemps.
Il connaît les passages secrets des gens qu'ils tue et leurs mots de passes.
Il connait des livres que personne ne sait sont là. Car il a interrogé l'archiviste mort du vaticanles deux précédents papes.
L'emplacement de trésors, des secrets de famille (que quelqu'un n'est pas noble ou autres )
Donc il peut faire pression sur des gens.
A la fin de la pahse 1, les joueurs vont récupérer le sous fifre en charge de faire cela.
Il est abodament torturé mais meurt de ses blessure.
=Part 2 XXXX=

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