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Danse Macabre Part 6

258 bytes added, 11:40, 12 September 2020
Part 1 Intrigue in Avignon
==Accused of Murder==
Description of the palace of the Pope
"On ne saurait concevoir un ensemble plus beau dans sa simplicité, plus grandiose dans sa conception. C'est bien la papauté tout entière, debout, sublime, immortelle, étendant son ombre majestueuse sur le fleuve des nations et des siècles qui roule à ses pieds. "
He forbids the players from approaching the pope, he meet them in his chambers and they talk through a door. With perfume being burned in the whole room.
He explains the relation between the current outbreak and the Justinian Plague.
They are accused of the murder of Agoust Louis de Beaux in cooperation wih Hugues des Beaux.
THe accusaion come from
The players should find a way out of the accusation.
Either using a skill, or using proof.
What proof do they have ?

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