→Part 3 The Horror 15 Dec (150 death per day) - 25 Dec (1000 death per day)
=Part 3 The Horror 15 Dec (150 death per day) - 25 Dec (1000 death per day) =
* '''Normal : XXXXZ_Flippant - Quake'''
{{Ambiance Track
| 5min = 15 Dec 138 Death / day Permanent stench of death. Church full of bodies Are scealed. Complete silence all stray dogs died.| 15min = 17 Dec 189 Death / day Prophète de l'apocallypse. Read the trumpets. Talk about the angel with the black wings. Minus 50 conscripts.| 30min = 19 Dec 259 Death / day Flagellans catching and killing anyone unwilling to repent. The scarteches on their backs looks like black wings. Archers at the city gates. Anyone leaving the city killed on sight. Minus 50 conscripts. Richest man in Marseille found dead. All of his money Gone. The scarteches on their backs looks like black wings.| 45min = 21 Dec 354 Death / day Orgies of Horse Meat killed all the horses. Minus 50 conscripts.| 60min = 22 Dec 486 Death / day Canibalism. Minus 50 conscripts. The Richest man in Marseille found dead. All of his money gone. His last words. I expect you. The destroyer angel.| 75min = 23 Dec 666 Death / day Streets are Empty All houses are nailed. Corpses pile up in the streets, no more burning. Minus 50 conscripts.| 90min = 24 Dec 912 Death / day Guards stop obeying. Doctors also. Stop counting. Total Chaos. All consripts and guard and doctors are dead or left.
15 Dec 138 Death / day
17 Dec 189 Death / day
19 Dec 259 Death / day
21 Dec 354 Death / day
22 Dec 486 Death / day
23 Dec 666 Death / day
24 Dec 912 Death / day
The players have all previous soldiers and doctors plus 400 unarmed conscripts.
==Problem X 1 : 100 dead. Too many corpses to carry by hand. 15 Dec 138 Death / day ==
Action: Use carts. (unless done laready)
==Problem X 2 : A Crazy monk nailed parchements blaming the church for the black angel.19 Dec 259 Death / day ==Terrifying gravure of the black angel.
Action : Offer food reward to anyone who saw him. Then burn him at the stake.
==Problem X 3 : People sneaking int he royal palace to sneak out food and water. One deseased died in the food storage.22 Dec 486 Death / day ==
Action : Put the food in the dungeon.
Action : Purify it with smoke.
==Problem X 4 : Too many corpses to put on carts.23 Dec 666 Death / day ==
Action : Burn corpses directly in the streets.
Stench in the streets of bruning corpses.
==Problem X 5 : Quartier de la Tourette too hard to remove corpses. 100% of people died theree. 24 Dec 912 Death / day ==