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Danse Macabre Part 5

70 bytes added, 13:42, 12 April 2020
Part 1 The Rumours 10 Nov - 24 Nov
=Part 1 The Rumours 10 Nov - 24 Nov=
* '''Normal : XXXXQuatuor pour la fin du temps'''
{{Ambiance Track
| 5min = The Bishop wakes up. Two doctors argue doctor says he has "'''ague'''", or "smallpox" or perhaps he was poisonedn ('''fièvre de ventre''', fièvre charbonneuse ou trousse-galant, bosas, carboncles en français). His simptoms : Fever, bubon rouge et chaud sous l’aine les aisselles ou les genoux, le cou Tres soif.. Lots of sweat. Delirium and dellusions. He shit himself, smells bad. He say repeatedly : "Behold, I have sinned, and I have done perversely; but these sheep, what have they done? Please let your hand be against me, and against my father's house." "Regarde! C'est moi qui ai péché, c'est moi qui suis coupable. Mais ces brebis, qu'ont-elles fait? Porte donc la main contre moi et contre ma famille!" People know the bible and they make immediate paralelw tih the King davivd plague.
| 15min = The ashes in the cathedral have been cleaned. And the molten metal have left the marks in the ground of a dragon with seven heads. When a priest see this, he make a sign of cross and say : "And another sign appeared in heaven: behold, a great, fiery red dragon having seven heads and ten horns, and seven diadems on his heads." "Un autre signe parut encore dans le ciel; et voici, c'était un grand dragon rouge, ayant sept têtes et dix cornes, et sur ses têtes sept diadèmes."
| 30min = A person in the hospital or in the streets took his weapon and start fighting back the angel. He starts attacking foreign merchants. His Symtoms : Pink Cough, black spots on fingers and neck. He attacks the doctors or the crowds.
| 45min = A Crazy priest is yelling that people should repent. He is followed by flagellans.
| 60min = Riche fuyant marseille déguisé en paysant en enfouissant des richesses dans des jarres d’huile d’olive| 75min = Someone rings the bell. Nachzehrer with black wings is going to eat us all. And he jumps from teh tower.| 75min = Riche fuyant marseille déguisé en paysant en enfouissant des richesses dans des jarres d’huile d’olive
| 90min = Final scene with the riot of diseased people. Players roll 5-6 or are ill. THey lose all 50 Soliders.
Final scene :
They are walling an entire part of the city.
Ils embarrciadent et condamnent les maisons en secret juste quelques patés de maisons. Ils transpercent les gens qui essaient de d'enfuir. Il ne les nourrissent pas pour qu'ils meurent plus vite.
Des gardes tuent un malade qui a réussi a sortir.
Puis c'est une émeute de gens qui s'enfuient.
=Part 2 The Plague 24 Nov (10 death) - 15 Dec (150 death)=

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