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Danse Macabre Part 5

214 bytes removed, 13:23, 12 April 2020
Part 4 Hell - 25 Dec
A place full of skeletons. Tomb of Barral 1er des Baux.Lots of templar tombs, with danse macabre names on Crows in the room looking at them they are all opened. That's where the bone artifacts where sword was kept.They all have the same symbol : ten crowns.(perhaps other artifacts as well ?)
In the middle of the room, there is a pedetals that used to have a black oily stone on it.
Around it is an unbelievable fortune. And letters of loans. From people who died.
One of the players is attacked by the Destroyer Angel. If the players are all immmune, the lord come with them.
The angel has black wings.
Barral 1er des Baux has a tomb, only his tomb is not opened.
Action : The player should open his tomb. A Crow rushes out of itThey see his corpse, the angel but his sword is gonemissing.
Once the angel of death is gone, they can keep following the destroyed spiderwebs.
They hear the The Lord remember a story that . That he was afraid of crows and he died when a crow landed in his window.They know that he created the ten crowns and those are the tombs of the ten crowns.
==Killing L==
L runs to a nearby passgae, tha tbrings They arrive to a nearby church full of bodies. Danse macabre fresqueses in the church. Statue of an angel with a sword.
He is in tthe church top floor.
He acuses the players of having stolen his philosopher's stone.
He has a templar armor with the ten crowns on it.
With a wave of his sword peiple who are still alive in the piles of bodies will get up and attack the payers. Roll for disease.
Up to the players to kill him remotely. There's a statue above him of an angel with a sword. It's unstable, possible to make it fall. His platform is unstable as well.

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